The entire Maximal cast of Beast Wars, including all versions of some characters

Beast Wars is a spin-off series of the original G1 cartoon. It includes many references that link it to the G1 continuity such as G1 Starscream possessing Waspinator with his immortal spark and the Autobot ship called the Ark, which contained the dormant Optimus Prime.

At first, the show made many long-time Transformers fans apprehensive because of its different vision of the series. But as time went on, it became accepted and eventually became a favorite for many because of its good storytelling and characters.

Standing in the OBD:

In OBD terms, the main characters range from above large building level to much higher, including feats like Optimus Primal managing to save the Maximal explorer ship from falling to its doom with effort and Rampage destroying a large part of a mountain. Tigerhawk flew through space at FTL speeds and reacted to the Nemesis.

However a few G1 characters make an appearance and beings like the Vok who created a planet destroying moon exist in the Beast Wars continuity.

Supporters of the Series:

- Crimson Dragoon
- Crimson King
- Cygnus475
- GiveRobertNoDollars
- Imagine
- Othergalaxy
- Qinglong
- Tranquil Fury
- Ultimate Deathsaurer

Character Profiles:

- Depth Charge
- Megatron (Beast Wars)
- Optimus Primal
- Rampage
- Tigerhawk

Civilization Profile

- Vok