Name: David Haller, David Xavier, Legion
Origin: Legion
Gender: Male
Classification: Human Omega Mutant
Age: Likely in his 30s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed and durability, Reality Warping, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation (can easily control people, tell them what to think, put them to sleep, etc) Dimensional Manipulation (can freely manipulate the Astral Plane) Telekinesis, Astral Projection, Fire and Electricity Manipulation, Energy Blasts, Spatial Manipulation (can trap people inbetween objects like walls) Levitation, Teleportation, Intangibility (can phase through people) Forcefields, Weather Manipulation (caused a thunderstorm) Petrification, Transmutation, Matter Manipulation (can turn people to dust. Farouk could turn a man into a pig) Sealing, BFR (can trap people inside his mind. A weaker character like young Farouk could seal dozens of people inside a child's mind and a man inside a monkey. Can teleport people and objects away) has multiple personalities with identical powers to his, can physically interact with emotions, resistance to all of the abilities mentioned beforehand (can shut his mind off from other telepaths, can kick people who try to enter his mind via body swapping) and Time Manipulation (could push through a time loop with sheer willpower)
Weaknesses: He's a schizophrenic with several dozen different personalities, is overall mentally unstable, his body is pretty fragile relative to his own power standing
Destructive Capacity: At least planet level (is hyped to be a world ender, visually depicted with him splitting the earth in two) likely up to star level+, at least within the Astral Plane (within this realm made of pure energy, David and Farouk have shown the ability to create entire landscapes with the sun and stars inside them)
Range: Planetary, likely universal within the Astral Plane
Speed: Human level with supersonic reactions/attack speed (easily faster than the Time Eaters, which can dodge bullets) likely hypersonic (caught some bullets that were only centimeters away from his back)
Durability: Wall level (can take hits from Kerry and the likes, which have fought creatures capable of destroying metallic androids) at least planet level, likely up to star level+, at least within the Astral Plane via forcefields
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (redirected an armored truck)
Striking Strength: Class KJ (snapped a steel blade in two) likely up to Class XGJ with his powers
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Telekinesis: David has telekinetic powers and he can teleport objects with his mind on an enormous scale. He has levitated himself, others, and torn apart an entire room at once. However, he doesn't have full control over his powers.[2]
- Telepathy: David is able to hear the thoughts of other people.[2]
- Teleportation: David's sister Amy has memories of leaving her brother in the bath and then finding him wandering outside. He also teleported himself, Melanie Bird, and Ptonomy Wallace into a building over 600 feet from their original position.[4]
- Astral Projection: David projected both his and Sydney Barrett's conscious minds and manifested in ghostly forms virtually invisible to anyone else in the room, except for The Eye.
- Electricity Generation: As David faces off The Shadow King/Amahl Farouk (who was inhabiting Kerry Loudermilk's body) in a hallway, he is seen conjuring electricity, which enabled him to survive the clash between himself and Kerry Loudermilk and her Pyrokinetic abilities (that were being used by The Shadow King/Amahl Farouk).[6]
- Density Manipulation: David has been shown to phase people through solid matter, first while Sydney was inhabiting his body, and again during his raid on Division 3.
- Reality Warping: When he and Sydney switched bodies, she lost control of his powers. As a result, she sealed herself and everyone else in the building into their rooms and walled them in, inadvertently killing one person.[2]
- Fire Generation: David caused a Time Eater to burst into flames.[7]
- Superhuman Strength: David has shown enough strength to snap a steel blade in two without effort.[1]
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Other: Not to confuse with his Earth-616 counterpart