Name: En Sabah Nur, Apocalypse, The Invincible One
Origin: Marvel Animated (X-Men: The Animated Series)
Gender: Male
Classification: Human mutant
Age: Millenia old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, Energy Blasts, Inmortality (type 1), Teleportation, Matter Manipulation (can change his own shape and size) Time Manipulation (can travel through time with Cable's computer)
Weaknesses: Allegedly has a weakness on his back, anti-mutant collars can nullify his powers via radiation, his psychics can be freed, reversing the damage he causes to the timelines with them
Destructive Capacity: At least multi-continent level+, likely higher (easily comparable to Magneto) at least universe level, likely multiverse level with prep (was threatening to destroy the universe and shape it to his will by using the energy of the strongest telepaths in it. Destroyed multiple points in time with them, which could be interpreted to be timelines)
Range: Extended melee range up to dozens of meters by himself (grew to tower over a building) universal, possibly multiversal with prep
Speed: Relativistic (matched Magneto's electromagnetic waves)
Durability: At least multi-continent level+, likely higher
Lifting Strength: Class T
Striking Strength: Class YJ
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Cable's computer
Intelligence: High (has lived for several millenia, concocting multiple master plans and ruling over the world on several futures)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Other: Not to confuse with his Earth-616 counterpart