

Name: Nano-Celluloid Interface I Laevateinn, Vati Len (human disguise)
Origin: Chrome Shelled Regios (also appears in Legend of Regios)
Gender: Female (or at least want to perceive itself as)
Classification: Nano-Celluloid, Anti-Mutant Countermeasure, Gynoid In Search Of Feelings, Servant of Ignasis
Age: At least hundreds of years (older than the Regios world)
Powers and Abilities: TBA
Weaknesses: TBA
Destructive Capacity: Continent level (has enough power to overcome at least 8 Heavens Blade Successors at once)
Range: At least hundreds of kilometers, her information gathering range can cover at least tens of thousands of kilometers
Speed: FTL
Durability: Continent level+ (can tank anything but the most focused attacks by Heavens Blade Successors, especially with her thorn defense)
Lifting Strength: At Class M, likely Class P+ via powerscaling
Striking Strength: Class YJ with her stronger attacks
Stamina: Extremely large, virtually limitless when has direct connection to the Zero Realm
Standard Equipment: N/A, unless you count her innumerable amount of nanomachines
Intelligence: TBA
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
