Tiny Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

Name: Suika Ibuki
Origin: Touhou
Gender: Female
Classification: Oni/Youkai/One of the Big Four of the Mountain
Age: 400+
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, the ability to control density (this ability can even affect Souls), able to control her size, can make and control miniature clones of herself, can create black holes and white holes, logia-like intangibility (via transforming into mist, also she can still attack even while in mist form with enough power to knock out people and Youkais), her punches raise lava from the ground, heat and earth manipulation, can breath fire by drinking sake first, can drain the energy of her opponents by using her chains, bypass intangibility, regeneration (low godly; the core of a Youkai is their mind and require spiritual damage to be put down), mind manipulation (can force numerous people to gather for events) and resistance to it
Weaknesses: Refuses to lie at all, Onis in the Touhouverse can't think of behaving no other way than fair and square, spiritual damage
Destructive Capacity: At least large star level+ (at least as powerful as Utsuho)
Range: Planetary+
Speed: MFTL+ (stomped and called characters like Marisa and Youmu boring)
Durability: At least large star level+
Lifting Strength: At least Stellar (physically stronger than Utsuho)
Striking Strength: At least Class XTJ+ (Oni are the physically strongest of creatures in Gensokyo)
Stamina: Very high
Standard Equipment: Ibuki Gourd (Magic drinking gourd that never runs out of sake), several chains that can be used to bind enemies
Intelligence: Above average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Density Manipulation: Suika's ability to manipulate "density" gives her the power to control the density of any given object. As the object's density increases, it heats up, and as it decreases, it turns into a mist. During her spell cards and other attacks, she can also create smaller versions of herself and make herself giant. She can also decrease her own body's density to become a mist, as she did during the events of Immaterial and Missing Power, making it impossible to attack her. By doing this all over Gensokyo, she can effectively keep an eye on everything going on. She can also gather things without shape, like people's souls, which caused the incident in the first place. She has also affected the moon as reflected in sky to make it explode, then take the falling fragments and turn them into mist as well, but the details as to how are unknown. Youmu Konpaku, after striking her with one of her swords, commented that the sword itself reacted strangely.

- Demonic Air -Dense-: Gathers surrounding heat and releases it in a burst along with a punch. Along with physical damage, the flames act as a projectile.

- Earth Spirits -Dense- : Manipulates subterranean features to change the landscape. Boulders become lances shooting from the earth, and the rocks are also like punches when they fall back down.

- Demonic Air -Thin-: Uses her hair to make copies of herself. Individually, they're weak, but there's lots of them.

- Gathering Oni: A black hole that sucks in the opponent. Sits at a fixed distance from the point of firing and obstructs the opponent's movement.

- Earth Spirits -Thin-: Pounds the earth to awaken earth spirits. The spirits float in the air and damage the opponent on contact.

- Unpleasant Mist: Turns into mist.

Suika Reforming from mist

- Thin Oni: Fires a white hole that releases bullets. The temporary barrage can give you the upper hand.

- Lava Oni: Pounds the earth to release lava bullets. The lava bounces and becomes fireballs. The lava clumps are powerful, and the fireballs have wide range.

- Gather Sign "Throwing Mt. Togakushi": She gathers all the stones and pebbles around to form a huge rock which she hurls at her opponent. It's slow, but on the other hand, you can't graze it.

- Drunk Sign "Art of Oni Binding": She binds her enemy with a chain and damages their spirit power.

- Drunken Dream "Art of Charity Binding": A special technique that binds an enemy and causes them to lose spirit over time. Since your opponent can't fire at will.

- Great Oni "Missing Purple Power": Suika turns huge and runs amok. You can't block enemy attacks, but you can't be stunned, so it's easy to have your way with them.

- Mist Sign "Gathering and Dissipating: A defensive shield of oni mist that blocks enemy projectiles

- Will-o'-wisp "Supermassive Conflagration Art": Pounds the ground, causing lava to blow upwards. The lava bounces several times, so this has extensive range.

- Oni Sign "Massacre on Mt.Ooe": Suika grabs the opponent and knocks them into the ground over and over, culminating in an explosion. It's unblockable, but the timing requires you to be in extremely close.

Notable OBD Victories:

- The Shounen 5 (Naruto) (Bleach) (One Piece) (Full Metal Alchemist) (Negima)

Notable OBD Losses: