Multiversal asshat


Name: Saizou Toufuuin
Origin: GetBackers
Gender: Male
Classification: Resident of the Highest Floors of the Beltline
Age: 22-23
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, skilled swordsman, uses both the Eastern Fuuchouin & Ura-Fuuchouin Style to operate his strings, making him a user of both red and black strings, can use his black strings to power-up an ally or himself with the Cursed Weave technique (draws out one's latent potential by insulting the black strings directly into the brain, drawing out the remaining 70% of a human's potential given they can only use 30% normally)
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least city level+
Range: Several dozen meters
Speed: At least supersonic+ (casually danced around Emishi's sound speed whip), possibly hypersonic with the Cursed Weave
Durability: At least city level+
Lifting Strength: At least Class P+
Striking Strength: Class PJ+
Stamina: Large, is able to fight comfortably in the Belt Line where any activity taxes your stamina reserves immensely
Standard Equipment: Strings
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, pretty devious too considering he fooled Kazuki into thinking he was an ally in order to get control of his friends
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Eastern Fuuchouin Style String Jutsu Book of Offense 23:4: "Woven Sections": Uses his strings to capture his opponents in a net and slam them against the floor.

Eastern Fuuchouin Style String Jutsu Book of Offense 23:7: "Weaving Woman": Surrounds his opponent with his strings seemingly to close them in and shread his opponent.

Eastern Fuuchouin Style String Jutsu Book of Offense 99:9: "Blazing Mountain": The sheer frictional heat created by this technique becomes a fireball that burns the opponent.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
