Hazuki Demonbane OBD
The original Celaenos Fragments

Name: Hazuki, Celaenos Fragment (original name)
Origin: Demonbane (Kishin Hishou, appears in the third novel - De Marginy's Clock)
Gender: Female, originally a book
Classification: Grimoire
Age: Over 1000 years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, durability, speed, endurance, flight, wind manipulation, barriers, shapeshifting into countless of pages, can summon Deus Machina Ambrose, magic, energy blasts and likely more
Weaknesses: None
Destructive Capacity: At least city level+, likely much higher via powerscaling (nearly killed Nightmare Vespasianus)
Range: At least several hundred of meters
Speed: Massively FTL (is one of the fastest Grimoires of the series)
Durability: At least country level+ via powerscaling
Strength: 100 tons+
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Deus Machina Ambrose and Byakhee
Intelligence: Incredibly high based on Grimoires on her level and age
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile only covers Hazuki from Kishin Hishou