

Name: Ios
Origin: Devil and Devil
Gender: Male
Classification: Angel w/a Human Host
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthspeeddurability, endurance, angelic power/magic manipulation, can read minds, can channel his energy into weapons, can fuse his soul with another being if his current body is near death, can create shields to repel evil energy, flight
Weaknesses: Takes a while to recover his powers after taking over someone's body - and it's limited, he won't get his full power back, the owner of the body that's being taken over by Ios can, every once in a while, take over as well (so it's basically two souls in one body fighting for control of the body)
Destructive Capacity: Town level+ via powerscaling | Small city level+ via powerscaling At least small city level+ (was even with a Crest of the Demon Lord Sword) via powerscaling
Range: Average human in possession of a sword
Speed: At least supersonic+ | Should be higher | Likely hypersonic
Durability: Town level+ via powerscaling | At least town level+, exact level unknown, much higher than in Kanna's body though | Small city level+
Lifting Strength: Class 100
Striking Strength: Class TJ | Class PJ | Class PJ+
Stamina: Large, his angelic power reserves should provide him with a considerable amount of stamina, being one of heaven's warriors should also add to his fighting abilities and his strength in being able to battle for lengthy periods of time
Standard Equipment: The Lucifah sword
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, also seems to be fairly smart when it comes to anything concerning books
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: In Kanna's body | In his own body | Completely combined with Kanna's soul