

Name: Mizuno Soujirou
Origin: Devil and Devil
Gender: Female
Classification: Human Exorcist
Age: 15-16
Powers and Abilities: The ability to exorcise anything evil, can feel evil energy, summoning
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Street level, possibly building level with the Holy Armor
Range: Average human melee range, several meters with exorcising methods
Speed: Average human, superhuman with the Holy Armor
Durability: Superhuman
Lifting Strength: Average human, Class 20 with the Holy Armor
Striking Strength: Average human, much higher with the Holy Armor
Stamina: Should be significantly above an average human, exact level unknown
Standard Equipment: A holy cross she carries around, holy water (a mix of separetly purified water and salt. When a place or person is devil exorcised, it increases the effect), the Book of Truth (a book with all the names of devils noted in it)
Intelligence: Skilled combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
