 "The Gods decide and the Fates make it so!"


Name: Lahkesis
Origin: God of War
Gender: Female
Classification: Goddess, one of the Fates
Age:  thousands of years old, older than the Titans
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthdurabilityspeed and reflexes, telekinesisimmortality (type 1), regeneration (mid-low), energy projection, power granting, flight, summoning, casuality manipulation and time manipulation (with the Loom chamber)
Weaknesses: She can only use her more broken powers while in the temple of the Fates
Destructive Capacity: Country level+ (battled a Kratos capable of conteding with Zeus, generally superior to most of the gods)
Range: Extended melee range, Thousands of miles with projectiles and magic, Planetary with the Loom of the Fates
Speed: Transonic+ with massively hypersonic+ reactions
Durability: Country level+
Lifting Strength: Class G
Striking Strength: Class ZJ
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: A long staff with a hooked blade at its top
Intelligence: Very high, the Fates have access to knowledge of all the living beings on the planet through the Loom chamber
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Time manipulation: while in her temple, Lahkesis can travel through time or even dump her enemies into the past.

Fate manipulation: with the power of the Loom, Lahkesis determines the fates of all men, gods or titans and has claimed to shape continents on her whim.


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
