The Goon OBD

Name: The Goon
Origin: The Goon
Gender: Male
Classification: Mob enforcer
Age: 28
Powers and Abilities: Brawling, knows some wrestling, torture, can pick locks
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Street level+
Range: Human melee range, longer with firearms and other weapons
Speed: Peak human
Durability: Above peak human, his damage soak makes him survive stuff from giant spider poison to small house-sized zombie chimp attacks
Strength: Above peak human, can beat on monsters (human-sized and bigger), sharks (when he had busted ribs), a robot, pistol whip to death packs of man-eating giant rats, decapitate a crocodile with an ax swing, etc.
Stamina: Superhuman (was fine after being holed up with murderous freaks for 5 days straight)
Standard Equipment: Hard case gear like a revolver, poison or a garrote
Intelligence: Smarter than he looks, ran organized crime activities and deceived crime bosses for years
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: N/A