 Trick or treat


Name: Samhain
Origin: Supernatural
Gender: Male
Classification: Demon tyrant, the origin of Halloween
Age: Unknown, at least >1000 years old (the festival of Samhain is named after him)
Powers and Abilities: His true form is an incorporeal spirit and can possess people against their will, while occupying a vessel he has access to super strengthspeeddurability, reflexes and stamina, telekinesis (to a degree of inflicting internal damage and outright exploding people), pyrokinesisimmortality (type 6 and 7), regeneration (mid-low), supernatural perception, soul manipulation (can interact with and affect souls), teleportation, can summon and control the Undead (zombies, ghosts, etc.), photokinesis (the same as Lilith's)
Weaknesses: Devil's trap, holy water, salt, iron, various demon killing items, has imparied vision
Destructive Capacity: Building level+ (has the same destructive technique as Lilith)
Range: Dozens of meters with TK, higher with teleportation, Town level with Necromancy
Speed: Superhuman, at least supersonic+ reactions (high level demons are easily bullet timers)
Durability: Superhuman, the nature of his true form makes him difficult to kill however 
Lifting Strength: At least class 1 (even fodder demons can overcome 2 tons of pressure with physical strength)
Striking Strength: 
Class KJ
Stamina: Nigh limitless
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: At least high due to being an upper level demon
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Necromancy: Samhain has the ability to summon monsters such as zombies and ghosts to do his bidding. If not for Sam and Dean, Uriel would've destroyed the town Samhain was in if he had run rampant.

Demon Ray Gun: the ability to project a white destructive light capable of razing buildings, similar to Lilith's.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Twilight verse (Twilight)

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: The word Samhain is Irish in origin and is supposed to be pronounced sah-win. The show pronounces it like it's spelled. Good job on that one, guys.