The Incredible Hulk Movie OBD

Name: Robert Bruce Banner, Hulk
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Gamma Mutated Human
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, thunderclap, regeneration (low). genius-level intellect as Bruce Banner | Spatial manipulation (portals, teleportation, intangibility, telekinesis), energy manipulation (absorptionforcefields, telekinesis), reality-warping (transmutation), soul manipulation (can ID the original out of a group of clones, can commune with the dead)mind manipulation (illusions, mind control), time manipulation (freeze, rewind, fast-forward, time travel), regeneration (at least high-low)
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Town level+. Hulk destroyed an ice shelf in a deleted scene from The Incredible Hulk | At least town level+ | At least country level+, likely higher. Hulk hit God of Thunder Thor hard enough for the latter to feel it. He also damages the Rainbow Bridge throughout his fight with Fenris. | Likely multi galaxy level+ with the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos claims that he could atomize the universe with a completed IG. This is supported in What If...? when Ultron uses 5 Infinity Stones to nuke a galaxy with enough energy to rock the whole universe 
Range: Extended human melee range | Universal, can shatter the boundaries between dimensions and universes. With all 6 Infinity Stones, Thanos snapped away half of all organic life in his universe and was able to punch the Mirror Dimension wall into pieces. What If...? Ultron was able to do the same with the barriers between universes 
Speed: Hypersonic+ | At least massively hypersonic+ reactions, likely much higher. Hulk can keep pace with main MCU Thor. Party Thor, a less disciplined multiverse variant, is shown able to keep pace with the MFTL Captain Marvel | MFTL reactions via powerscaling. Hulk is comparable in reactions to Thunder God Thor who can react to Thanos | At least MFTL+ reactions 
Durability: Town level+  | At least town level+ | At least country level+. Hulk was (barely) able to stand, and even run, after a decent hit from God of Thunder Thor. Days later he survived a beatdown from Thanos who was just trying to "have his fun" | At least country level+, likely multi galaxy level+ with shields. 
Lifting Strength: Class G+ | At least Class G+, can likely be amped beyond Class Galactic. What If...? Ultron was able to grow larger than a galaxy
Striking Strength: Class TJ via powerscaling | Class ZJ | At least class ZJ | Class Galactic+ via powerscaling
Stamina: Vastly superhuman
Standard Equipment: None notable | The Infinity Gauntlet
Intelligence: As Bruce Banner, he's one of the smartest humans in the world, being on par with Tony Stark's intellect. Banner is ingeniously resourceful and brilliant in many different fields of science, notably biochemistry, and bio-organics, as well as both atomic and radio-physics, being a former professor at Culver University, and one of the world's most renowned scientists overall. Even fellow genius Tony Stark admired Banner's brilliance, claiming that the latter's work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled, while Nick Fury referred to Banner as the world's foremost expert in gamma radiation. In addition, Stark needed Banner's assistance in downloading J.A.R.V.I.S. into the Vision android, due to Banner also being the world's foremost expert in the discipline of bio-organics. Tony himself admits to Banner surpassing him in the fields of radio-physics, particle collisions, and bio-organics. While not on part with Tony, he's also an extremely skilled engineer, computer scientist and robotics technician. As the Hulk, he's an experienced hand-to-hand combatant.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: For the Main Canon (616) version of him go here: Character Profile - The Incredible Hulk, for the 2003 movie version go here: Character Profile - The Incredible Hulk (Movie)
Incredible Hulk to Avengers 1 | Age of Ultron | Thor: Ragnarok to Infinity War | Professor Hulk with the Infinity Gauntlet