Jaryoon (left) and Rey (right) ready to kick ass. Or get it kicked
Jaryoon (left) and Rey (right) ready to kick ass. Or get it kicked

Name: Jaryoon, The King
Origin: Chronicles of the Cursed Sword
Gender: Male
Classification: Human
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Empowered by a demonic sword, this sword grants Jaryoon: superhuman strength, speed, and durability, flight, ability to summon the dead, fire from hell and ghost, regeneration, low-level mind resistance, soul absorption (demonic) and the ability to harm intangibles
Weaknesses: He's still human, so he'll lose his power if not in possession of the sword (not immediately)
Destructive Capacity: Low multiversal (capable of cutting through Anu-empowered Shiyan when using the great extents of the sword's power)
Speed: MFTL (via powerscaling and matching someone who is)
Durability: Low mulitversal (one of the few that combated Anu!Shiyan; whom loved doing cheap attacks to him. But they never took him down. He also tanked Rey's fallout attack after receiving his fused sword)
Strength: 100+ tons (On equal grounds with Rey Yan)
Stamina: Extremely high (after Anu blasted Jaryoon into ribbons, he still manage to halt his advances)
Standard Equipment: Pachun--a demonic sword that is the twin of the Pasa sword
Intelligence: Jaryoon is an intelligent fighter, but ever since his acquisition of the Pachun, he's been extremely headstrong and overconfident. This tends to get him in fights he loses fairly quickly

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Demons of the Eight Fiery Hell: Ghouls come out with fireballs in their hands

- Lightning of Hell: This attack is channeled from Jaryoon's sword and is a simple strike attack amplified by the lightning

- Demon Spirit Destruction: Demons and ghouls are sent out like a projectile in a fireball

- Black Sand of Hell: Black sand surrounds the area and is capable of not only dissolving the flesh but sapping the power of those that survive the initial attack

- Ultimate Heat of Hell: As the title goes, this is the ultimate heat produced from Hell. This attack was the only ability capable of burning the god Yumno, which can only be harmed by fire (and a very high fire spell no less)

- Hunger Ghost: Summons ghost that devours his opponent

- Demon Gate: His strongest summon as of vol. 34. He summons a Demon Gate that brings forth various monsters and powers from the gate.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

- Former Crimson King (Samurai Deeper Kyo) - FCK Profile
