Jaster Rogue
The Star King


Name: Jaster Rogue 
Origin: Rogue Galaxy
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Descendant of the Star King, Reincarnation of the Star King (Queen Freidias notes that Jaster Rogue has his soul)
Age: 20, most likely 
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance, can generate and manipulate electricity, can generate and manipulate wind, energy projection, matter manipulation, space and time manipulation, can create dimensions the size of galaxies, can stop time for periods of time extending tens of thousands of years, can stop a person's time preventing them from aging, can erase memories, can survive in the vacuum of outer space, flight & levitation, and reality warping
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Galaxy+, due to the fact he is noted to be more powerful than Queen Freidias who can create a space/time rupture the size of a galaxy and he is the one who destroyed IIzarbella who couldn't be destroyed by Queen Freidias by any means
Range: At least Galactic
Speed: FTL+, faster than Ilzarbella who has no problem traversing the entire galaxy
Durability: Galaxy+, can survive attacks from IIzarbella
Lifting Strength: Galactic class
Striking Strength:
Galactic class
Stamina: Superhuman, and is greater than Johanna's who could create and maintain Johannasburg for tens of thousands of years
Standard Equipment: Desert Seeker, and Desert Dweller fatigues
Intelligence: Average but can access the memories of the Star King in order to use other languages, and siphon knowledge 
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
