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Name: General Zinglon/Zinglon
Origin: Tyrian
Gender: Male
Classification: Originally a corporeal being, later a god
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Non-corporeal, teleportation, reality warping, shapeshifting, capable of creating/materializing matter/energy including advanced technology, dimensional travel, capable of creating ale which can fly through space at FTL speeds, matter/energy manipulation, capable of creating stargates (time/space teleportation portals) telepathy, cosmic senses, many others
Weaknesses: Trent Hawkins
Destructive Capacity: Unknown, should be higher than any other character or power in the game though
Range: Universal
Speed: Implied omnipresent, or at least pseudo-omnipresent
Durability: Impossible to kill with traditional methods
Strength: Unknown
Stamina: Unknown, likely limitless
Standard Equipment: Commands the Order of Zinglon, the largest religion in the universe, which includes all of the resources of Microsol (See Vykromod). His followers nearly completed a plan to amass all of the edible food in the universe, therefore starving everyone else.
Intelligence: Godlike, cosmic knowledge (as revealed to Monses)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: It's never exactly explained or shown how Trent defeated him. If you beat the bonus game at the end of the 4th episode, you get a cutscene revealing that Zinglon was behind it, and he opens a stargate forcing you to enter in order to battle him. In the fifth episode, it is revealed that Zinglon was defeated/killed in your battle with him. How this was accomplished is up to interpretation.