kalach cha obd 
 One of the many ways the Shard Bearer may look like


Name: Kalach-Cha (Shard Bearer), Knight Captain
Origin: Neverwinter Nights series, a part of the Forgotten Realms [D&D]
Gender: can be either (depends on the player)
Classification: Adventurer, Knight Captain of Crossroads Keep, Spirit Eater
Age: Unknown, likely in his 20s during the events of Neverwinter Nights 2
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, reflexes and stamina, could have a variety of powers depending on the selected class and race | Soul manipulation, the Sword of Gith grants him cryokinesis, sound manipulation, precognition, healing, regeneration, magic dispelling and absorption, magical barriers, immunity to mind manipulation and paralysis | Life energy draining, immune to cold, electricity and mind manipulation
Weaknesses: Doesn't spam his spirit eater powers to avoid incraesing his spirit hunger
Destructive Capacity: Town level+ (is nigh Epic at the end of the original campaign), can strike harder than that thanks to the Sword of Gith | City level+ (Is an epic character), can strike harder with the Sword of Gith | Likely Universe level+ (killed multiple gods)
Range: Extended melee, higher with magical abilities | At least country level (devestated Rashemen), likely higher
Speed: At leasy Hypersonic+ | Likely Massively Hypersonic+ combat speed/reactions | Likely FTL+
Durability: Town level+ | City level | Unknown, possibly Universe level
Lifting Strength: Superhuman | Superhuman | Superhuman
Striking Strength:
Class TJ, PJ+ with the sword of Gith | Class PJ+, ZJ+ with the Sword of Gith | Unknown
Stamina: Superhuman | Superhuman, can also drain energy from spirits | Vastly Superhuman due to energy draining
Standard Equipment: Various magical items and The Silver Sword of Gith | Epic magical items and the True Sword of Gith
Intelligence: Above average
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

- Silver Sword of Gith: being the shard bearer, he wields the Silver Sword of Gith, the weapon of a demigoddess.
For further reading you can see its weapon profile.

- Spirit Eater: Myrkul's curse allows the Shard Bearer to devour spirits. The good natured canon version of the Kalach-Cha mainly uses this power to despose of undead and can share his own spirit energy with others. The non-canon evil version straight up devours people's souls and in the ending he fully embraces the hunger, becoming a blight on the world.

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 


Key: Original Campaign | Mask of the Betrayer | Embraced Spirit Hunger (non-canon)