karsus obd 
 Karsus casting the infamous Karsus's Avatar spell, leading to the fall of Netheril


Name: Karsus the Archwizard
Origin: Forgotten Realms [D&D]
Gender: Male
Classification: Netherese Arcanist
Age: 357 at the time of his death
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman reflexes/reaction time, mastery of arcane magic allowing for many abilities such as teleportationintagibilityinvisibilityenergy projection/barriers, telekinesistransmutationmind manipulationelemental manipulationsummoningsoul manipulationtime manipulation (can stop or rewind time), spatial manipulationreality warping, instant death magic, banishment, dimensional travel, precognitionillusions and divination.
Weaknesses: Can eventually run out of spells
Destructive Capacity: at least City level+ with high level magic, likely far above Country level (the strongest mage in the history of Faerun), Universe level+ with prep via Karsus's Avatar
Range: Several hundereds of meters with magic, universal with teleportation, can travel between dimensions as well
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ combat/reaction speed
Durability: Building level normally, at least City level+ with magic augmentation/barriers, likely far above Country level
Lifting Strength: Human 
Striking Strength: 
Class H (higher with magical weapons)
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Spellbook, likely carries potions and scrolls as well as a variety of magical items
Intelligence: Super Genius, was able to cast spells at the age of 2 years, became the youngest arcanit to make his own floating city at 22, also created the highest level spell ever cast in the history of Faerun.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Magic: Karsus is wildly regarded as the most powerful mage in the history of Faerun, he can cast spells of upto the 12th level, whereas most epic mages can only go up to 10th.

Mentalism: Karsus' speciality as an Arcanist was the field of mentalism so he is particularly adept at using and defending from mind manipulation. 

Karsus's Avatar: the most powerful spell ever cast by a mortal in the realms, this spell allows the user to merge with a deity of their choice and wield its power for a limited time. 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
