Nero Frost is cool


Name: Nero
Origin: Devil May Cry
Gender: Male
Classification: Half Demon
Age: Likely in his early twenties
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, skilled swordsman and gunslinger, can use Devil Trigger, can summon phantom swords in DT,  regeneration in DT (Low-Mid), teleportation, Nero's Devil Bringer doubles up as an extendable limb and can grow in size comparable to that of a large building, Nero's Devil Bringer can also absorb demonic artifacts such as Yamato, spatial manipulation with Yamato, can generate air slashes
Weaknesses: Lacks regeneration in base form and his regeneration isn't as efficient as Dante's or Vergil's and he is easily distracted
Destructive Capacity: Likely city level+ (stronger than The Savior and he also managed to land several strong hits on DMC4 Dante [who was holding back though]) | At least continent level+, likely much higher (End of Game Nero became stronger than Urizen [Post-Qliphoth Apple], in his upgraded DT form, Nero was able to stop and neutralize both Sin DT Dante and Vergil at the same time [although they were already weakened from fighting each other non-stop for 20 minutes], and he also overpowered again Vergil on 1vs1 later [again, weakened and tired from his fight against Dante])
Range: Hundreds of meters
Speed: Sub-relativistic (can somewhat keep up with DMC4 Dante and cleanly cut up Sanctus who was hopped up on the energy of Sparda before he knew what happened) | Sub-relativistic+ (can keep up with Vergil in battle)
Durability: Likely city level+ | At least continent level+, likely much higher (can endure hits from DMC5 Vergil)
Lifting Strength: Class K (can rag doll building-sized demons such as Berial, Bael, Echidna, and Goliath with ease) | Class G+ (comparable to Dante)
Striking Strength: Class TJ+ (matched Dante several times and can physically overpower The False Savior) | At least Class YJ+, likely higher (comparable to Dante and Vergil, also managed to defeat and overpower an exhausted Vergil's Sin Devil Trigger form with his own Devil Trigger, was able to slice a large cut across Urizen's hand in his base form)
Stamina: Superhuman (can duel with Dante for extended periods of time)
Standard Equipment: His sword Red Queen, Yamato, his double barreled revolver Blue Rose and Devil Breaker
Intelligence: Skilled combatant, skilled technician (can customize weapons like he did with Red Queen)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Blade Beams: Nero can project blade beams from Yamato.

- Devil Bringer: Nero's extendable devil arm that greatly increases Nero's physical strength. The Devil Bringer can also change greatly in size depending on how much Nero wants it to.

- Devil Trigger: Nero's transformation. DT gives him a boost in stats, regeneration and other abilities like energy sword projection.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Akatsuki (Naruto)
- Cloverfield monster (Cloverfield) - Clover Profile
- Main Heroes Gauntlet - (DMC5 Nero defeated Ichigo, Yusuke, Ageha, Akira, and Kazuma, outdated when concerning Ichigo)

Notable OBD Losses:

- Layfon Alseif (Chrome Shelled Regios) - Layfon Profile
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) - Zoro Profile

Other: Not to be confused with the similarly - named character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure or the Dead Apostle from Tsukihime


Key: DMC4 Nero | DMC5 Nero


DMC4 Nero


Devil Trigger Nero