Arcadia CGI
Meaner and Edgier


Name: Arcadia, Deathshadow IV
Origin: Space Pirate Captain Harlock (the CGI movie from 2013)
Type: Deathshadow-class Super Space Battleship, Dark Matter Imbued Pirate Ship
Captain: Harlock
Crew: Unknown
Dimensions: lenght: 1077m, width: 312m, height: 355m
Mass: Unknown, likely a few million tons
Powered by: Dark Matter Engine x 2
Destructive Capacity: Continent level+ (potentially higher) via its main cannons, at least large planet level+ via releasing the Dark Matter, star system level with Dimensional Oscillation Bombs, universe-level by detonating all 100 bombs at their specific locations to collapse space-time
Durability: Continent level (can survive ramming at relativitic velocities, possibly higher), at least large planet level+ and potentially star system level+ via using the Dark Matter Shield at full power
Material: Unknown metal alloy (likely mixed with dark matter)
Performance: Relativistic via standard engines, MFTL via IN-Skip travel (trillions to quintillion of times SoL,depending on how throughly it explored the whole universe under 95 years)
Weaknesses: Fully unleashing the Dark Matter would deplete Arcadia for a while and has the risk of killing Mimay and Harlock
Terrain: Space, Air
Needed Prerequisite for Use: Requires a Niflung crewmember to operate the engine, although Arcadia seems to be exlusively linked to Harlock and Mimay
Operational Timeframe: Unlimited, but they are ought to make occasional stops for the crew's supplies

  • Tripple-barreled Main Dimensional Particle Oscillator Turrets x 12 (mounted in 3 rows and 4 sides and can be moved via a rail system, 36 cannons total)
  • Triple Barreled secondary Dimensional Particle Oscillator Turrets x 4 (mounted in the ventral area, 12 cannons total)
  • Twin-barreled Anti-spacefighter Beam Turrets x 24 (48 guns total)
  • Anti-Battleship Torpedo Tubes x 8
  • Energy Harpoons x 2 (can be used to grab onto enemy ships and reel towards them)

Weapons Range: At least hundreds of thousands of kilometers
Carried Units:

  • Unknown, possibly it carries some space fighters but it was never shown

Notable Features: Durable armored frame, dark matter engine which supplies infinite energy for the ship among others, gradual self-repair via dark matter, dark matter smoke which makes the ship difficult to detect, dark matter shield, has the soul of Toshiro trapped within the ship's main computer, can hack into comunications, can generate holographic projections to confuse the enemy can repeatedly perform FTL jumps via its IN-Skip Drive (the first few letters are abreviation for Imaginar Numbers Space)

Notable Attacks/techniques:

- Release the Dark Matter: Harlock can ask Mimay to make the engine release all its Dark Matter, unleashing the exotic matter for various purposes. Its primary function seems to be a barrier, to form a protective layer against incoming attacks like a massively improved dark matter shield. Though as Harlock found out during the first use dark matter is far from harmless and when he made it cover the Earth this reduced the planet to a barren wasteland. The first use also resulted in accidentally transforming both Harlock and the Arcadia while mysteriously fusing the dead Toshiro's soul with the main computer. In short dark matter is in effect little different from magic. Anyways, releasing all dark matter is far from without any risks. Aside from the obvious consequences detailed above, Mimay's life is dependent on the dark matter of the ship thus releasing it all would effectively kill her. Fortunately if Arcadia survives it keeps reproducing the used up dark matter which means Mimay apparently can just return to life.


Other: This is Arcadia from the newer Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013) CGI movie. For the classic version see the following page: Vessel Profile - Arcadia (Captain Harlock).