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Name: The New People
Origin: Greenverse - Ghost Finders
Classification: Post-human godlike figures
Age: Unknown
Population: Unknown...sort of; their nature makes it so that it could end up being 4 or thousands of them at once
Powers/Abilities: Reality warpingmatter manipulation, super strengthspeed, and stamina, time manipulation, immortality (at least type 3), telepathytelekinesisspatial manipulation, exist as multi-dimensional beings (both physically and spiritually), dimension manipulation
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Universe level (were the main part of an other-dimensional entity's plans for destroying the universe)
Holdings: Unknown

Created a forest and made it fit into a floor of the Chimera Building. Also created another world at the top floor of the same building which appears to be rather massive in its own right.

1) “What’s that smell?” Happy said quietly. “Can all of you smell that? It’s hot and wet and . . . swampy. I’m getting rotting vegetation, murky jungle, and something quiet definitely animal. Like being inside an enclosure at the zoo. Damn, that smells bad . . .”

“The air is hot and damp,” said Melody. “Beyond damp—saturated with moisture. I was in the Amazon rain forest, as a student, and this is a lot like that . . . but inside a building? At least the ghostlight was only supposed to be fog. This feels very much like the real thing.”

“The ghostlight was created,” said JC. “So was this. You were right, Happy, someone’s been messing with reality, playing games with the building and everyone in it. Someone or something has overwritten local conditions to make new worlds, inside the building. Test runs, perhaps? Tread carefully, children. We are in unknown territory.”

2) Half a dozen fluorescent lights flickered into life up on the ceiling, enough to reveal a vast tract of tropical jungle spread out before him, where the rest of the floor should have been. It seemed to stretch away forever, as though the end of the floor had become a [[#|gateway]] to another world. Massive trees with huge, dark trunks, and long branches drooping under the weight of heavy foliage. Dark green leaves with heavy veins and serrated edges. Hanging vines and creepers, and great pools of dark, steaming water. Thick, unfamiliar vegetation, filling in the gaps between the trees. Technicolor flowers with huge pulpy petals. The harsh buzzing of insects and the shrill cries of unknown birds.

3) The light seemed to fall away some as they moved on, revealing the substance and details of the place in which they found themselves. Huge abstract shapes loomed up everywhere, weird mutated structures that watched and observed. Great pyramids with massive unblinking eyes; jagged energies crackling up and down the air like slow lightning; blurred uncertain shapes that had the feel of living things. Wherever JC looked there were colours he couldn’t name, objects with too many details for the human eye to encompass, and nightmare [[#|forms]] on the edge of his vision that shrieked of bad intent . . . And always, everywhere, the feeling of potential doors, or even trap-doors, that led Somewhere Else. Doors to let things In as well as Out . . .

Takes a proficient telepath in Happy all he has to keep his head in check, and this is solely being caused from the New People's presence in the building.

3) JC stopped abruptly, leaned heavily on the railing to get his breath, and looked back down the steps at the others. “If I’ve been counting off the floors correctly, and I have, the stairs around the corner above us will lead to the final set of doors, and the final floor of this building. Happy, are you picking up anything?”

“Something big and scary,” said Happy. He leaned heavily on Melody’s shoulder, his face wet with sweat, flushed a really unhealthy colour. “It’s taking all my shields to keep it outside my head. Don’t ask me what it is, JC. Or what’s causing it. I think . . . it’s the presence of the New People, weighing down on reality, overwhelming everything else. Just by being here, by existing . . . they’re the most important thing there is.”

Time apparently doesn't work the same way for them; also it's revealed they hail from the future and depart there when convinced to do so by JC and the team.

4) “The jungle is where we belong,” said Magog. “The New People set us here, to wait for you. Oh yes—they knew you were coming. They’ve always known. I don’t think Time works the same way for them. They put us here to keep you from bothering them. Because we make such excellent guard dogs.”

5) “You think all our junk DNA being blocked off just . . . happened?” said JC. “No. It’s there waiting, for the right time. For us to be ready for it. It’ll awaken itself when conditions are right. And then, and only then . . . we’ll all become like you. When the world needs us to be like you. Because by then, hopefully, we’ll have earned it.”

The New People paused. They seemed to be talking among themselves, but it was not speech that JC or Happy or Melody or Kim could comprehend. Finally, they spoke again.

"Yes. This is not our Time. We are ghosts from the Future. That’s where we belong. So that is where we will go. Now."

And they were gone. All of them, gone. The overpowering presence of the New People disappeared, snapped off, as they moved on into Future Time.

And quotes depicting/validating what they intended to do with the universe. Quote# 9 specifically reveals the the New People were a means to an end concerning the universe's destruction.

6) “What about the New People?” said JC. His mouth had gone dry, and he had to fight to keep his voice calm and apparently effortless. “You really think they’re going to let you run wild?”

“You think they care about the world?” said Gog. “They’re up there deciding what to do with it.”

“Making their minds up about what to make of it,” said Magog. “And when they’re finished with the world, we won’t recognise it at all.”

7) “Think hard. And quickly.” He raised his voice to address Gog and Magog again. “Do you know what the New People are planning? What their intentions are?”

“No,” said Gog. “I don’t understand them, any more than you could. They don’t think like people any more. They’ve risen above that. Perhaps they don’t think at all. Perhaps they do something better than mere thinking . . .” He rolled his head slowly across his broad shoulders. And then he smiled, to better show off his teeth. “They’re up there, at the top of the building, deciding the fate of the world . . . But whatever they finally settle on, you can be sure neither your kind nor mine will have any part in it. They don’t need machines, or tools, to change their world, or a civilisation to protect them from it. They’re the gods we were all supposed to become, before something went wrong in our DNA, and we all had to settle for being human.”

“Whatever kind of world the gods choose to live in,” said Magog, “odds are, we won’t understand any part of it.”

8) “But Gog and Magog, in their own Beastly way, were quite convinced the New People are going to destroy the world,” said JC. “Tear down human civilisation because they don’t need it. Remake the entire world, and perhaps even reality itself, in their not-at-all-human image. How will your organisation profit from that?”

“Oh, I don’t think things will get that far,” said Patterson. “There are checks and balances in place . . . things going on behind the scenes, behind the scenery of reality, to ensure nothing too bad happens. Pieces have been moved into place to take advantage of the situation. But I think I’ve said quite enough. You don’t need to know any more. It’s time for you to go.”

9) “You were supposed to fail,” said the dead man. “I chose you, above all the other A teams, because you had the least experience. I had to get you in place before someone better turned up. You were supposed to walk in there, like good little sacrificial lambs, and fall to the New People. Or their creatures. The New People were taking too long. They needed a nudge, some exterior pressure, to get them moving. We arranged for their creation, you see, so they would damage reality . . . break it open from within. Smash the walls of the world.”

“You wanted the New People to destroy the world?” said Latimer. “Why?”

“The world doesn’t matter,” said Patterson. “It’s merely a cage, from which we will escape. The New People were only ever a means to an end.”

Simply being in their presence allowed JC and the team to view the true nature of reality in a way they never experienced before.

10) The longer JC and his people remained in the new place, the more they saw. Contact with the New People opened their inner eyes, opened up their minds, to the noumenon—all the adjacent levels of reality, the worlds within worlds, or surrounding worlds, the interpenetrating and overlapping worlds that most of us are mercifully unaware of. All the places and all the things that exist right next to us, blessedly hidden from normal view. Because if most of Humanity knew who and what we shared this world with, they’d go stark, staring mad. JC had seen some of it before, through his golden eyes, but never as much as this.

He shut his golden eyes and still caught glimpses of other places, other worlds, other dimensions, where life had taken on shapes and aspects far beyond the possibilities of this limited Earth. He saw two suns shining fiercely in a sick green sky, over a landscape that was always moving, never still. He saw dinosaurs with huge, distended heads stalk purposefully through stone galleries and massive tunnels, carved into the side of a mountain. He saw a dull red sun drop sullen bruised light from a mustard yellow sky, over man-sized insects that crawled all over a stone mound the size of a skyscraper, darting in and out of deep dark holes in its sides, intent on unknown missions.

As said before they're multidimensional beings and that additionally makes itself evident in the form of what appears to be something of a quantum superposition on their end.

11) The New People were waiting for them. Four of them. Standing inhumanly still in the middle of everything, untouched and untroubled by the world around them. The world they’d made, or perhaps a world that appeared to accommodate who and what they were now. Often it seemed that there were more than four of them, dozens or even hundreds, in infinite ranks, superpeople in a superposition, everywhere at once. Their number and location was constantly changing, and yet at the same time there were only four, standing before JC and his group, waiting. JC squeezed his eyes hard shut, and then opened them again, but it didn’t help. He wasn’t sure what he was seeing was actually happening, or whether it was his mind trying to make sense of an impossible situation.

12) “Go where?” said JC, stepping back. “You see any way out of here? We’re in the world of the New People now, and we have to start with them.”

He turned to face them, and everything else disappeared. Driven away, pushed aside, by the sheer presence of the New People. Only them, and the light they stood in. Or generated. And when they finally spoke, they all spoke at once, like a thunderous cloud or choir of voices. Just four motionless figures, in all their many dimensions, but when they spoke, there might have been four hundred or four thousand, as many aspects as there were dimensions.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Note: Considering Green's habit to connect virtually all of his work into one expansive world I thought it'd be interesting to mention that the New People are heavily implied to be what humanity would eventually evolve into very far into the future. A description very similar to a certain passage in the Deathstalker series pertaining to the Madness Maze (the advanced piece of technology that's pretty much responsible for Owen and Hazel gaining their additional powers, and the Terror's existence) and how it "speeds up" the process of human evolution unleashing the latent power within them. With that said, EoS Owen and Hazel could very much be scaled to the New People and vice versa. Just a thought to consider.