F91 Gundam F91
F91 Gundam F91

Name: Gundam F91
Serial Number: F91
Origin: Mobile Suit Gundam F91
Classification: Prototype Assault Mobile Suit
Height: 15.2 meters
Mass: 7.2 tons (empty, 19.9 tons maximum, also realistically the machine’s weight should be closer to 5-10 times of this)
Pilots: Seabook Arno, Harrison Martin, Minoru Suzuki
Needed Prerequisite for Use: No special requirements to operate the suit, but a newtype pilot is said to be needed to tap into the full potential of its Bio-Computer system
In use by: Earth Federation
Powered By: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor
Destructive Capacity: City level with VSBR (can penetrate through two beam shields), town level+ with other beam weaponry, building level+ with Mega Machine Cannon, small building level with Vulcans
Range: Mecha melee range, dozens of kilometers with the beam rifles and launcher, hundreds of meters with Mega Machine Cannon and Vulcans
Performance: Can boost to hypersonic+ speeds within the atmosphere, massively hypersonic+ in space, relativistic reactions (capable pilots can dodge and intercept beams)
Terrain: Ground, space, water
Durability: Multi city block level, at least town level+ with beam shields
Material: Gundarium Alloy/Ceramic Composite
Lifting Strength: At least Class 100+
Striking Strength: Class GJ
Notable Features: Super speed, strength, and durability, various sensors, AMBAC system (allows for thruster-less maneuvering in the zero-G environment of space), the reactor releases faint amounts of electronics and radar jamming Minovsky Particles, beam weaponry, Bio-Computer System (man-machine interface which allows machines to be controlled by human thoughts - rather than merely displaying data on a computer monitor, the bio-computer can relay it directly to the pilot in the form of sensory information, so what the machine "feels" can also be experienced by the human operator), Heat Radiation Fins (hidden within the shoulder armor, but after extended operation as heat builds up the radiator fins would be deployed to help shed the excess heat), Multiple Construction Armor (In addition to providing protection, the F91's armor also incorporates circuitry and cooling systems, allowing this highly compact mobile suit to make more efficient use of its limited internal space), Metal Peel-off Effect (F91 can also dissipate excess heat by shedding the outer layers of its armor - this creates afterimages of the mobile suit made up of metallic particles, which can deceive not only the eyes of enemy pilots, but also radar and other sensors), Weapons Mount (can hold either the Beam Launcher or Beam Rifle)
Drawbacks: The amount of beam weaponry and Bio-Computer system generate excessive heat, therefore, it can potentially overheat. This is offset by the Heat Radiation Fins and the fact F91 can open its mouth as a vent to dissipate the heat. F91 can also shed its outer layer of armor for the same effect.

  • 2 x Vulcan Gun
  • 2 x Mega Machine Cannon
  • 2 x Beam Saber
  • 2 x Beam Shield
  • 2 x Variable Speed Beam Rifle
  • Beam Rifle
  • Beam Launcher

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Wins:

Notable OBD Loses:


F91 Specifications and Design
F91 Specifications and Design