Name: The Dragon, Dragon God
Origin: Touhou
Gender: Unknown
Classification: Dragon, God of creation
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, endurance, flight, magic, reality warping, energy manipulation, quantum manipulation (can easily travel and destroy otherworlds, which exists through quantum gaps), limited conceptual manipulation (all gods can give "names" to things, giving them a concept of their own, and a defined border. They can also modify their own concept/name. The Dragon God is one of the dragons who gave birth to the original elements of the world), dimensional travel and manipulation, non-corporeal and duplication (the true form of a God exists as an idea, and a god can spread and manifest itself in any amount of physical bodies, each with equal power), resistance to conceptual manipulation (gods precede concepts and thus do not need one to exist), immortality (types 1 and 4), bypass intangibility, resistance to mind manipulation
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least small galaxy level+ (among the most powerful in the series, dragons are stated to be orders of magnitude more powerful than youkai), likely galaxy level
Range: At least planetary+
Speed: MFTL+
Durability: At least small galaxy level+, likely galaxy level
Lifting Strength: At least Stellar (among the most powerful in the series)
Striking Strength: At least Class XZJ (can cause earthquakes and makes mountains crumble simply by stirring)
Stamina: Unknown
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Unknown
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


This profile only covers the Dragon God that was depicted in the creation of the Hakurei Border, not the standard of the race in the Touhouverse