Chica the chicken.

Name: Chica
Origin: Five Nights At Freddy's
Gender: Female
Classification: Haunted Animatronic
Age: A few decades
Powers and Abilities: Peak Human strength, speed, superhuman durability, expert in stealth, can scream so hard that it can stun, can induce paranoia and hallucinations by just seeing him
Weaknesses: Likes to play with his prey, can be tampered with ease
Destructive Capacity: Street level+ (Casually kills people all the time)
Range: Average human
Speed: Peak Human+ (Can blitz a regular human with his jumpscare)
Durability: Peak Human level+
Stamina: Limitless
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Smart at moving around the environment

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Inconclusive OBD Matches:
