Merlyn the Douche
Most dickish Merlin ever

 Merlyn, Merlin, Myrrdin
Origin:  Marvel Comics
Gender: Male
Classification: Otherworldly Being, Sorcerer Supreme, Gestalt of Merlin
Age: Unknown (at least thousands of years old, likely far older)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed & durabilityimmortality (types 1 & 3), shapeshifting, mastery of magic, can imbue others and objects with power, energy manipulation, absorption & projection, teleportation, interdimensional/universal travel (of himself or others), illusion creation (can create life-like ones of himself), resurrection, levitation, avatar creation, can control and act through his alternate selves, banishment, sealing (imprisoned Chthon within a mountain), foresight & prophecytime manipulation (able to travel through time for himself and others, can stop time, etc.) telekinesis, telepathy, master hand to hand combatant, healing, regeneration, astral projection, communication across vast distances via crystal ball, sensing (even across time or the fabric of the entire universe; could sense astral forces like the spirit of King Arthur via Captain Braddock's memories), summoning (even as a disembodied spirit), soul manipulation (can force someone’s soul back into their body upon death), mind manipulation (can restore lost memories), life & death manipulation (can send someone's astral form across realms; can create life at will), transmutation, elemental manipulation, reality warping, can physically grab and shield someone across universes and dimensions
Weaknesses: Requires concentration for his spells to work; the Jaspers Warp can cause his powers to lose its potency; the Energy Matrix appears infrequently across the multiverse for it to be effective unless properly stored in Merlyn's Lighthouse which got destroyed
Destructive Capacity: Varies from likely Star level (able to contend with his impostor, Maha Yogi, who has taken on numerous Herald level threats in the past) to possibly higher (banished Melanicus outside the multiverse, a demon capable of threatening realities; resisted The Fury infecting him as well as his Otherworld self controlling him and forced them out) 
Range: Varies from one planetary diameter to multiversal (banished Melanicus outside the multiverse; could sense his Otherwold self across the multiverse) 
Speed: Varies from likely FTL+ (able to keep up with Maha Yogi) to potentially higher (can commune in a place beyond all space and time with the other Higher Evolutionaries to monitor the multiverse)
Durability: Varies from likely Small Town level (should be rno weaker than Maha Yogi); can enhance himself with force fields to Star level to potentially higher (fought with Melanicus and banished him; tore The Fury out of his body)
Lifting Strength: Peak human
Striking Strength: Peak human, can likely enhance himself higher
Stamina: Very High
Standard Equipment: Occasionally carries a staff
Intelligence: Extremely high (highly knowledgeable on matters of cosmic importance) 
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Dickery:
 Merlyn's most deadly technique where he uses his manipulation skills. These can range from letting Captain Britain die and resurrect over and over again, bullying The Doctor, expending his underlings on a whim, sending Jackdaw on a suicide mission against The Fury with the promise to resurrect him later and never following up on it, faking his own death for 5 years and hiding it from everyone including his daughter to save his own ass from his insane master, leaving his best friend behind to nearly die and hold off his master while he steals an energy source to build up his Captain Britain Corps, doing nothing when Otherworld had been threatened by Mastermind, Kang, HoM Wanda and the return of Mad Jim Jaspers and teaming up with Jaspers to destroy the Captain Britain Corps and to murder his own daughter. What a dick.

Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses: 


Other: Not to be confused with any other similarly - named characters or the historical person he is named after such as Merlin from Nanatsu no Taizen.

Note: Merlyn is a multiversal gestalt of every Merlin, so every Merlin out there is essentially an extension of himself that he can control and act through. The adventures Merlin undertook in the Doctor Who comics under Alan Moore are possibly canon due to Merlyn referencing them every so often, the characters that Alan Moore created in those stories being rolled over into the main Marvel universe and the 2nd issue of Captain Britain and MI-13 directly saying that the Higher Evolutionaries sealed Merlin away, a group that Merlin was a member of.

Merlyn confusing the reader
Merlyn's favorite trick: confusing the reader. Note the second to last Merlin is the Doctor Who Merlin


Merlyn's Dickery in action