MCU Tony Stark's biggest fanboi
Name: Peter Benjamin Parker, Spider-Man, Night Monkey
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human with spider physiology, superhero, vigilante, Avenger
Age: 16, is physically 5 years younger than his birth date would suggest due to being blipped. 
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, agility, precognition (can react without his soul, dodge machine gun fire in a hallway while blind, and even sense people's ill intentions from another room), enhanced vision, regeneration (mid-low), can climb on vertical surfaces and ceilings, can shoot synthetic webbing from his web-shooters | electricity manipulation via taser webs, x-ray vision, heater, voice alteration, can summon a drone, has a GPS tracking system and an A.I. assistant that provides diagnostic and tactical reports | Regeneration (low-mid) [limited by the number of nanobots remaining in the suit], remote control (can also be voice-activated by Tony Stark), can create 3 giant spider-legs, provides Peter oxygen, has a parachute 
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Town level+ (Peter could overpower Bucky's metal arm with one hand. Bucky's arm is capable of damaging Iron Man's MK46 armor; the MK45 armor survived the explosion of Sokovia. Peter also stopped Cull Obsidian's hammer. Cull is a physical match for the Hulkbuster 2.0 (MK48) | At least town level+, potentially higher. 
Range: Human melee range, several dozen meters with his webs | Human melee range, extended melee range with his spider-legs, several dozen meters with his webs
Speed: At least superhuman with massively hypersonic+ reactions, potentially as high as relativistic+ (Peter can keep pace with Electro who travels as cloud-to-ground lightning, and with Garfield Spider-Man who can outpace electricity traveling through metal. During Infinity War, he also reacted to shards of Titan's moon movingmore than 3,000 times the speed of sound.
Durability: Town level+ | Country level+ (The Iron Spider suit protected Peter from Thanos' one-arm slam. Thanos' has enough power in one hand to shatter the Tesseract; a feat calculated to require over 260 teratons of TNT)      
Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Peter caught a falling jet bridge [>7 tons] with little to no effort ), Class M with his webs (held the 3,200 ton Spirit of America Ferry from collapsing in half for several seconds)
Striking Strength:
Class GJ 
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Web-shooters | Upgraded web-shooters with rapid-fire, web grenade, taser web, splitter web, ricochet web, and Spider-Tracer settings, a utility belt with spare web fluid cartridges. The Stark Tech suits generally come with an AI assistant, web wings, and a drone.The Iron Spider armor (AKA: Item 17A): a nanotech armor, similar to Iron Man's own MK50, that forms over Peter's current suit and web-shooters. The armor's primary function is enhanced survivability: durable, self-repairing (if damaged beyond full repair, nanites move to block attacks on exposed areas in real-time), protects its user from the vacuum of space, etc... In addition, its nanite composition allows it to form 3 large, metallic spider legs that aid in combat and mobility. Lost nanites can also be controlled remotely. This function can be turned against enemies who incorporate the tech into their own haphazardly. It allowed Peter to gain complete control over Doc Oc's arms, instantly incapacitating him. 
Intelligence: High. Peter Parker is a highly intelligent science enthusiast, with aptitudes in chemistry, physics, and engineering, developing a highly advanced chemical compound into a silk-like material (the sophistication of which even impressed Tony Stark) and constructed his own web-shooters, further proven when he was able to quickly solve a physics problem by just taking a glance at the board and deduced the composition of Falcon's wings based on the relationship between their rigidity and flexibility. Parker has an affinity for building computers, and is also well-read and good at math, claiming to have "nailed" an algebra test the day Stark recruited him. In No Way Home, Peter proves he can apply his intelligence in high-stress situations. He is able to identify a specific mathematical pattern that dictates the shapes of the Mirror Dimension, allowing him to restrain Doctor Strange in webs for 12 hours. He also applies neurology, cybernetics, biology, and physics to cure 5 unique afflictions.   
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Key: Base | Stark Tech SuitIron Spider Armor (Item 14A)


Other: Not to be confused with his Earth 616 counterpart