Size doesn't matter.


Name: Scott Edward Harris Lang, Ant-Man, Giant-Man
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Avenger
Age: Around his 40s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, size alteration (both himself and of others via Pym Particle Disks), can manipulate ants to his will, Flight (with his ants), expert engineer, expert thief, expert tactician, expert acrobat, expert martial artist
Weaknesses: The Ant-Man suit can take a physical and mental tole on its wearer over a period of years | Relatively slower than before | Has an extremely low amount of stamina, to the point where he'll pass out if he stays too long in this state
Destructive Capacity: Small building level (could fight with the likes of Black Widow, Falcon and Yellowjacket, defeating the later two) | At least multi city block level+ (knocked out Spider-Man with a casual backhand, could easily handle the likes of War Machine) likely higher (his attacks were portrayed as a threat to Black Panther) At least multi city block level+, likely much higher | At least multi city block level+ (punched down a Leviathan) likely far higher (literally stomped Cull Obsidian, who could fight with the Hulkbuster and Iron Man)
Range: Human melee range, sub-atomic to below human melee range depending on how small he is, dozens of meters with his Pym Particle Disks Tens of meters Tens of meters | Tens of meters
Speed: Superhuman with hypersonic+ attack speed/reactions (could keep up with the likes of Black Widow and Falcon, should be faster than his giant form) Superhuman with hypersonic+ attack speed/reactions (despite seemingly becoming slower, he was capable of keeping up with Iron Man, War Machine and Spider-Man) | Superhuman | At least superhuman, likely far higher
Durability: Small building level (could take being kicked through various walls by Ghost and other attacks from Black Widow, Falcon and Yellowjacket) At least multi city block level+ (took the combinated effort from Spider-Man, Iron Man and War Machine to bring him down) likely higher (took a hit from Vision) At least multi city block level+, likely far higher | At least multi city block level+, likely far higher via powerscaling
Lifting Strength: Superhuman Class M At least Class M | At least Class M, likely Class G+
Striking Strength: 
Class KJClass GJ+ | At least Class GJ+ | At least Class GJ+, likely far higher
Stamina: Superhuman Below average human
Standard Equipment: The Ant-Man suit, an EMP Communication Device, Pym Particle Disks
Intelligence: Above average, probably high (he was able to figure out how to use the highly complex Ant-Man Suit and gain a Masters Degree in electrical engineering, along with bypassing the security of Hank Pym's home. He also possesses a knowledge of chemistry which allowed him to destroy Hank Pym's safe)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Insect Manipulation: Lang, through the use of the EMP Communication Device within the suit's helmet and the earpieces given to him by Hank Pym, can affect the pheromones of insect-sized organisms and stimulate their olfactory nerve centers, allowing him a rudimentary form of control over ants. He can direct their actions and behavior at will to cause them to work together, such as by forming themselves into bridges or walkways, allowing themselves be used as mounts, or attacking a target, usually in swarms as a distraction for the user.

Pym Particle Disks: About the size of a coin and shaped like a triskelion-styled shuriken, the disks are filled with specified forms of Pym Particles. Targets impacted by Red Disks shrinks to the size of an insect. Targets impacted by Blue Disks enlarges to a bigger size.

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Key: Base/shrunk Giant-Man Giant-Man (Ant-Man and the Wasp) | Giant-Man (Avengers: Endgame)

Other: Not to confuse with his Earth 616 counterpart