"138 combat missions. That's how many I've flown, Tony. Every one of them could've been my last, but I flew 'em. Because the fight needed to be fought."


Name: James Rupert Rhodes, War Machine, Iron Patriot
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, Avenger
Age: 50
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, Flight, Sound Manipulation (via sonic cannon), Energy Manipulation (via repulsors and unibeam), Electricity Manipulation (via stun ttaff) expert pilot, expert tactician, expert marksman, expert combatant
Weaknesses: Otherwise a normal human withous his armors
Destructive Capacity: Building level (stronger than Tony's Mark II, which could clash with his Mark IV) | Multi city block level+ (could harm Giant-Man, superior to Tony's Mark VI)
Range: Human melee range, extended melee range with his staff,  several dozen meters with weapons
Speed: Hypersonic | Hypersonic+
Durability: Building levelMulti city block level+
Lifting Strength: Likely Class 10Class 100
Striking Strength:
Class MJ+ | Class GJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: His armor (which contains machine guns, miniguns, missile launchers, sonic cannon, stun gun, bombs and walking aid)
Intelligence: Above average (he's a former U.S Marine pilot)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Repulsors: A particle beam weapon in the palm gauntlets that can repel physical and energy-based attacks. When combined with an attack from another repulsor, it can create an energy shockwave that decimate a small area like when he and Stark both fired their repulsors at each other and the resulting event destroyed much of Stark's house.

Unibeam: A more powerful version of the palm repulsors mounted on the chest. In addition to the physical capabilities and various weaponry it already possesses, it also utilizes laser guided munitions.

Mini-Gun: A 7.62-mm minigun is attached to the back of the suit on a swivel mount and typically fires over the right shoulder. It is governed by an automated targeting system and can track targets independently of the suit's wearer, including those targets to the rear. The ammunition feed for this weapon is a belt feed from the rear torso.Gauntlets: The armor's armbraces each mount an underslung sub-machine gun.Rocket Launcher: A box rocket launcher mounted over the left shoulder holds a Hammer-tech bunker busting rocket that Rhodes referred to as the "Ex-Wife" which was useless against the improved Whiplash.

Miniature Stark Sonic Cannon: It can emit sound waves that will stun the target for weeks. Rhodes has only used this twice, once on a group of the Ten Rings' allies, and once on Scarlet Witch and Ant-Man.

Stun Staff: Used to incapacitate targets by releasing powerful, non-lethal electricity.

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Key: Mark I | Mark II onwards

Other: Not to confuse with his Earth 616 counterpart