Sun's gettin' real low, big guy.


Name: Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, Natasha, Black Widow
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Avenger, former KGB and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent
Age: 34-35
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, stamina, Electricity Manipulation (via bite and batons), Hacking, master martial artist, master marksman, master spy, master acrobat, master assassin, master interrogator
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Small building level (as strong if not stronger than Hawkeye), multi city block level+ with her bite and her batons (could stun Black Panther, matched Proxima Midnight, smashed through Ultron sentries, should have comparable tech to Hawkeye), possibly continent level with Proxima Midnight's spear (could stab Corvus Glaive, who could take hits from a wounded Vision)
Range: Human melee range, extended melee range with her batons, dozens of meters with her bite's taser disks and weapons
Speed: Superhuman with hypersonic+ attack speed/reactions (kept up with Hawkeye)
Durability: Small building level, possibly higher (took a few hits from Proxima Midnight before biting the dust, survived a backhand from the Hulk), multi city block level+ with her batons (could clash with Proxima Midnight's hits)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength:
Class MJ, Class GJ+ with her bite and her batons, Class YJ with Proxima Midnight's spear
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Her suit, bite, batons and a Glock 26
Intelligence: High (comparable to Cap and Hawkeye)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

Black Widow's Bite: Electroshock weapon that can deliver powerful electrical discharges from two bracelets worn by Black Widow. When the Chitauri forces invaded Earth during the Battle of New York, Black Widow used the Widow's Bite to electrocute several enemy troops by jamming her charged fists into them. Romanoff used the Widow's Bite to take out a pirate guarding the Lemurian Star ship's engine room. Romanoff acquired a more powerful version of the Black Widow's Bite from Tony Stark, which causes the piping in her suit to light up and glow. Black Widow would make use of her bite during the Avengers Civil War, Black Widow zapped Ant-Man with her bite, sending her miniaturized opponent flying away and Widow used the bite to covered the escape of Captain America and the Winter Soldier by using Taser Disks fired from her bite to hold off Black Panther.

Black Widow's Batons: Electroshock weapons that can deliver powerful electrical shocks to incapacitate her targets. Black Widow used the batons to take down dozens of Ultron Sentrieswith a combination of her weapons and martial arts mastery and employed these weapons during the Avengers Civil War, although not charged with electricity. She once again utilized her batons to battle the Black Order and the Outriders and was able to combine them to form a staff; she kept these batons in a holster worn on her back.

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: Not to confuse with her Earth 616 counterpart