Tempest Shadow OBD
Tempest Shadow


Name: Tempest Shadow (Her real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist)
Origin: My Little Pony
Gender: Female
Classification: Pony (Unicorn)
Age: Likely early 20s to early 30s (Older than Twilight)
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthspeeddurabilitymagic manipulation, energy blasts, skilled martial in arts
Weaknesses: Her broken horn prevents her from using most forms of magic
Destructive Capacity: Unknown, likely solar system level (Briefly matched the Staff of Sacanas before getting overpowered, Daybreaker also considers her extremely powerful)
Range: Unknown
Speed: Likely Massively FTL+ (Dodged multiple shots from the Staff of Sacanas which can move the sun this fast)
Durability: Unknown, likely solar system level (Survived an explosion from the Staff of Sacanas)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: 
Stamina: Very high (Likely on par with Shining Armor who held up a citywide shield for days)
Standard Equipment: Her Obsidian Orbs
Intelligence: High, has led the Storm King's armies to conquer many kingdoms, is fairly skilled in martial arts
Notable Attacks/Techniques: None notable

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
