An early version, later versions were much less bulky
An early version, later versions were much less bulky

Name: Cosmic Power Siphon Harness
Origin: Marvel Comics
Type: Energy draining device
Powers and Abilities: Capable of effectively and instantly draining the cosmic/reality warping powers from a target and channeling them into the user, rendering the target powerless. It has shown the ability to drain the powers from the likes of Heralds of Galactus (such as the Silver Surfer), Galactus himself, a Watcher, Hyperstorm, and the Beyonder. It is unknown what the limits of this device are, if there are any.
Destructive Capacity: Depends on the power absorbed
Wielder(s): Doctor Doom (inventor), Black Panther, Human Torch
Material or Element: Unknown technology
Needed Prerequisite for Use: A target with power to absorb
Notable Attacks/Techniques or Alternate Forms: The early versions were large contraptions that Doom had to strap himself into, as seen in the picture. Later versions were more portable, including one that was incorporated into his armor.
