Background Information

This is a series of cartoons released in the 90s about several Marvel properties with a shared universe that includes the X-Men, Spider-Man, etc.


The official canon includes the original X-Men: TAS series, its sequel X-Men '97 and the Spider-Man: TAS series. It's also debatable as to wether or not ot her 90s shows like the Fantastic Four one are canon to this universe, but for now that remains a question mark.

Standing in the Battledome

The verse is easily one of the strongest animated adaptations of Marvel. Pretty much every relevant character scales to Storm's casual city+ level feats, and characters consistently dodge Magneto's light-speed electromagnetic waves. The high tiers such as Magneto reach multi-continental levels thanks to Storm's feat of fixing a planet's climate. There's also arguably an MFTL feat involving Gladiator travellling from his home planet to the earth in a short while. The top tiers reach at minimum galactic to possibly universal levels with FTL speeds thanks to the Phoenix Force and the M'Kraan Crystal's feats of affecting galaxies and potentially being universe enders. Finally, characters like Apocalypse and Spider-Carnage manage to reach multiversal levels through prep.

Supporters of the Series


  • GoldenHeart
  • Nygma


Character Profiles


X-Men: The Animated Series:

  • Jean Grey
  • Cyclops
  • Professor X
  • Wolverine
  • Beast
  • Rogue
  • Gambit
  • Jubilee
  • Morph
  • Nightcrawler
  • Bishop
  • Cable
  • Magneto
  • Mr. Sinister
  • D'Ken
  • Juggernaut
  • Apocalypse
  • Sauron
  • Garrok
  • Proteus
  • Mastermold
  • Bastion

Spider-Man: The Animated Series:

  • Spider-Man
  • Spider-Carnage
  • The Lizard
  • Green Goblin
  • Kingpin
  • Venom