Hero of Bowerstone Fable OBD
Sparrow, the Old Hero King

Name: The Hero of Bowerstone/The Hero of Bower Lake/The Hero of the Spire/Sparrow/The Old Hero King
Origin: Fable II
Gender: Male (seems to be confirmed male in one of the novels)
Classification: Hero/Human/King
Age: In his late 80s at the time of death
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, master marksman, master swordsman, elemental manipulation (of the fire, wind, and lightning variety), time manipulation, mind control, energy blasts, summoning of ethereal blades and souls of fallen creatures
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Country level+ (though not as powerful as his son, the Hero of Brightwall, he would need to be comparable to him for his son to be born with as great a potential in the Heroic Disciplines as he had been)
Range: Dozens of kilometers with magic via powerscaling, extended human melee range with melee weapons, several dozen meters with guns
Speed: Supersonic+ (comparable to Reaver in the Heroic Discipline of Skill, a Hero that can casually deflect bullets with a cane), hypersonic+ reflexes/reaction time; massively hypersonic+ attack speed with Shock | Hypersonic+ with further heightened reflexes/reaction time
Durability: Country level+
Lifting Strength: At least Class M+ (most powerful Hero of his era, only exceeded by Hammer in the Heroic Discipline of Strength)
Striking Strength: Class TJ (having mastered the Heroic Discipline of Strength, he should be comparable to the Hero of Strength from the Triumvirate. Said Hero's strength was great enough that a single swing of his sword could cleave through entire armies)
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: A sword/hammer/battle axe of some kind, a pistol/rifle of some kind, a Guild Seal
Intelligence: Experienced and skilled master of all three Heroic Disciplines
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Blades: Summons mystical blades to fly at the caster's enemies.
- Chaos: Summons a Mask of Madness to scramble the minds of the caster's opponents. The result of this is somewhat random. Maybe they'll attack their friends, or maybe they'll scrub the floor to get those stains out. Casting the spell wide catches more enemies in the caster's web. Targeting a single one causes longer lasting effects.
- Force Push: This spell creates a powerful blast of energy which radiates out from the caster, sending nearby enemies sprawling.
- Inferno: Sends forth either a ball of flames, or an explosion of omnidirectional fire.
- Raise Dead: Summons the spectral shadows of fallen creatures to fight for the caster.
- Shock: Damages opponents with a blast of electric energy. Shock also stuns the unfortunate recipients.
- Time Control: Can either slow down time for all but the caster, or cause the caster to amplify their movement speed in bursts.
- Vortex: Summons mighty elemental forces to create powerful whirlwinds that sweep the caster's enemies up and send them flying.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Bleachverse (Bleach)

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Base | Time Control