The savior they needed


Name: Brajil (romanized as Brajira), known as Bladerun during his previous guises
Origin: Tensou Sentai Goseiger
Gender: Male
Classification: Former Guardian Angel/Messiah
Age: Unknown (at least hundreds of years old)
Powers and Abilities:  Super strength, super speed, super durability, elemental manipulation (wind, water, lightning, earth, and ice), able to disguise himself by using the Seaick tribe's power, logia style intangibility by momentarily turning into water, intangibility (displayed during Goseigers: Epic on the Movie), energy blasts, forcefields, teleportation, can craft items which allow one to become large building-sized from the hatred of others, time travel (managed to propel himself 10,000 years into the future, though he has poor control over it and is an incomplete technique), flight, likely memory erasure (the Goseigers are able to do so with their invocations on a city-wide scale, and Brajil has shown to be capable of invocations as well), likely dimensional travel (he winds up in the Sanzu River during the beginning of the Shinkengers/Goseigers crossover), and duplication via splitting into his other Bladerun identities (displayed during the Shinkengers vs Goseigers movie)
Weaknesses: Mainly arrogance, otherwise nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Planet level+ (a far weaker character had enough energy within him to pull down the moon and move it several hundred kilometers per second, and four base form Goseigers had enough power to contain such energy)
Range: Extended melee range with his sword, several thousand kilometers with energy blasts
Speed: Relativistic+ (the speed of the Super Goseigers' best attack should be no slower than a far inferior character's [same one who pulled down the moon] released energy, and Brajil has shown to be able to react to it [14:27] plus he once ran fast enough to intercept it [19:52])
Durability: Planet level+ (the Goseigers can survive his attacks, Brajil is stronger than them until the very last episode)
Lifting Strength: Class K+
Striking Strength:
Class XJ+ (perfectly capable of hurting the Goseigers with physical strikes and crushed the Super Goseigers' best attack)
Stamina: Easily superhuman (exact level unknown)
Standard Equipment:  His sword and the Landick, Seaick, Skyick, and Knightkick orbs
Intelligence: An able schemer who manages to infiltrate various organizations to get what he wants and manipulates behind the scenes, though he has been tricked one time
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Windrive: Transports Brajil with a whirlwind.

Twistornado: Summons a large transparent whirlwind.

Comprethunder: Launches lightning bolts.

Rockcrush: Lifts up giant rocks from the ground, then launches them at the target.

Camoumirage: Allows user to assume a disguise, enabling Brajil to create his Bladerun aliases.

Presshower: Summons a jet of water from the ground.

Trianglobal: Releases a powerful energy that is made from the energies of the Skyick, Landick, and Seaick Powers.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
