One bug you don't want to mess around with.
One bug you don't want to mess around with.

Name: Annihilus
Origin: Marvel Comics
Gender: Male
Classification: Insectoid Alien (Negative Zone inhabitant)
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, telepathy, flight, can withstand the vacuum of space, energy manipulation, telekinetic blasts and shields, energy absorption (thanks to his cosmic rod), teleportation, matter manipulation, telekinesis, can sense the release of cosmic energies from arguably lightyears and several others
Weaknesses: Can be rather paranoid and believes that essentially everyone is out to steal the Cosmic Control Rod from him, which allows him to be surprised by setting something up while being beneath his notice.
Destructive Capacity: Planet level+ (he took out Quasar after curbstomping him and Nova, his minions such as Ravenous are Herald level)
Range: At least one planetary diameter; likely far more
Speed: Relativistic/FTL reflexes, above peak human movement speed (exact level unknown)
Durability: Planet/Star level+ (Was able to withstand a release of energy from Galactus that covered 3 Solar systems and possibly more thanks to the quantum bands, even survived a fight with Nova shortly after that before losing the bands, took a hit without the bands from Phylla vell when she wore the quantum bands then took her out and Nova still needed to exploit a weakness in his armor )
Strength: Class 100
Stamina: Incredibly high, only tires when fighting powerful opponents
Standard Equipment: A Cosmic Control Rod that allows him to manipulate cosmic energy in order to manipulate the molecular structure of matter and perform other various feats
Intelligence: Has knowledge and mastery of technology centuries beyond what is known on Earth, leads an elite personal guard of his own army, and has much experience fighting all kinds of enemies.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

- SSJ3 Goku (Dragon Ball) - Goku Profile

Notable OBD Losses:
