"I'm not giving you the finger, I swear."
"I'm not giving you the finger, I swear."

Name: Bowyer
Origin: Super Mario RPG
Gender: Male
Classification: Living bow
Age: Unknown (Mass production versions are at least a day old, the original is older.)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, Ddurability, lightning manipulation, low level reality warping, magic, mind manipulation, poison manipulation
Weaknesses: Overconfident
Destructive Capacity: City level with lightning manipulation (able to damage Mario who survived getting thrown to another country), town level+ with aeros
Range: Several kilometers (He was in the center of a large forest firing hundreds of aeros at a nearby town.)
Speed: Superhuman, He can fire aeros at hypersonic speed.
Durability: Mountain+
Strength: Superhuman+
Striking Strength: Superhuman+
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Aeros and poison
Intelligence: He's an incredible tactician.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Static E!: A large lightning attack that covers a massive area, it can damage multiple enemies at the same time.

- G'night: Bowyer fires an aero at his opponent and this attack puts them to sleep

- Lightning Orb: Bowyer creates a small ball of lightning that floats towards its target and explodes, electrocuting the victims.

- Attack Cancel: Bowyer can summon special buttons that can make his enemies unable to do certain attacks or use equipment and items.

- Aero Storm: Bowyer starts firing multiple aeros at once, he has enough to cover an entire town. These aeros are also covered with a special poison that can paralyze people for a couple minutes, this poison literally freezes its victims in place.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
