Placed the fate of everyone who wasn't his wife into the hands of his sons. Family Man application accepted.
Placed the fate of everyone who wasn't his wife into the hands of his sons. Family Man application accepted.

Name: Argus
Origin: Mortal Kombat
Gender: Male
Classification: Former Protector God of Edenia | Elder God
Age: Incalculable
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, stamina, durability, reality warping, immortality (type 4), regeneration (possibly low-godly), teleportation, time manipulation, dimensional manipulation, telepathy, telekinesis, non-corporeal
Weaknesses: Can't participate in Mortal Kombat without downgrading his powers
Destructive Capacity: At least large building level+ via powerscaling Planet level (has a similar rank as Protector's of Earthrealm who are at this level of power and was going to kill every combatant in Armageddon till Delia convinced him otherwise) | At least planet level+
Range: At least several kilometers, cross-dimensional | Planetary | At least interplanetary
Speed: Superhuman
Durability: Likely city block level+ via powerscaling | Planet level | At least planet level+ (immortality and regen makes him very difficult to kill)
Lifting Strength: At least Class 5
Striking Strength: At least Class MJ
Stamina: Nearly limitless
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Likely as knowledgeable as Raiden about the workings of the MK-verse
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Mortal Form | Unrestricted | As an Elder God