Darth Malak x OBD
There's no jaw under that faceplate

Name: Darth Malak, Alek
Origin: Star Wars
Gender: Male
Classification: Dark Lord of the Sith/Fallen Jedi Knight
Age: Likely in his late 30s
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durabilityenhanced senses, various lightsaber combat skills, skilled swordsman, skilled unarmed combatant, precognition, telekinesis, telepathy, mind manipulation, psychometry, barrier creation (in the form of Force Barrier), energy manipulation (can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him), absorption (in the form of Force Drain), elemental maipulation (in the form of Force Lightning), energy blasts (in the form of Bolt of Hatred/Force Blast), regeneration (mid-low; in the form of Force Healing), matter manipulation on a molecular scale (through Sith Alchemy), Battlemind, resistance to Force Drain, Force Scream, Force Stealth, Force Stun, Force Suppression, Sith Alchemy, Sith Sorcery
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Multi continent level (comparable to Darth Revan.  Proved capable of affecting Revan with Force Whirlwind and locking him in Force Stasis at a time Revan was considered by Ajunta Pall to be so powerful that it was "blinding")
Range: Star system (per the force secret "distant power")
Speed: Relativistic+ (fought at such speeds on the Star Forge against Revan), FTL attack speed (with Force Drain and Force Lightning); lightspeed reactions augmented by precognition
Durability: At least multi city block level+ naturally (his armor is likely similarly durable as Revan's); multi continent level with Force amplification
Lifting Strength: Peak human+; can be augmented to superhuman levels thanks to Force amplification
Striking Strength: Class GJ+ with Force amplification (capable of engaging Revan in a duel)
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: His lightsaber
Intelligence: Deceived his master, Darth Revan, and nearly clipped two birds with one stone several times during the Jedi Civil War.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Bolt of Hatred/Force Blast: Darth Malak projects concentrated blasts of pure dark side energy at objects or opponents.

- Force Barrier: Both an offensive and defensive Force power that creates a barrier or wall of Force energy around the intended target, be it self, friend, or foe.   Depending on the strength of the individual, the barrier could only withstand a few attacks before collapsing.

- Force Drain: Malak drains the life from his opponents and adds it to his own.

- Force Healing:  Accelerates the body's natural healing process at a rapid pace.  Master practitioners of the art can even heal themselves from fatal injuries in a short span of time (like being cooked alive, punctured lungs, etc).

Force Lightning: An offensive Force technique that uses Force energy to produce electricity with one or two hands that stream outwards from the fingertips, its speed is usually great enough to catch an opponent off-guard even when prepared, and can be used either in bursts, or simply torrent out in an a gush of agony on its victim.

- Force Scream: Malak unleashes a force enhanced scream.

- Force Stasis: Malak locks an enemy in catatonic paralysis.  Powerful enough to paralyze Revan towards the end of the Jedi Civil War on the Leviathan.

- Force Stealth: A power that was used by highly skilled Force-sensitives to mask their Force alignment (Light or Dark), their ability to use the Force, or even their entire presence from other Force-sensitives.

- Force Suppression: It allows a Force sensitive to harness the Force in order convince others that they had been cut off from the Force itself. This would individually affect each active Force power. This technique took a great deal of focus to accomplish.

- Telekinesis: Malak can use this through the Force to put his mind literally over matter, capable of blasting opponents, shielding himself or disarming people, its limits are only those of the creativity that Force User has.

- Telepathy: Can easily manipulate others mentally with the Force to trick, deceive, maim or even kill outright. Can also use this power externally or internally when it comes to illusion creation, manifestation and manipulation.

- Tutaminis: Through the Force, Malak can draw potentially harmful energy into his body and diffuse it or channel it away completely.

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 

Other: Respect Thread