"Connection Terminated"

Name: Diablomon/Diaboromon
Origin: Digimon Adventure: Our War Game
Gender: Male
Classification: Unidentified Digimon
Age: Unknown, a few hours at the most
Powers and Abilities: Data manipulation, dimensional manipulation, can likely travel between dimensions (Diablomon easily broke through the dimensional pathways of the Infinite Cauldron, which is likely a higher dimension), technopathy, absorption, can stretch his limbs, has the ability to make many copies of itself, but with lesser abilities than the original (at least 16000+ were made in the movie), likely several others
Weaknesses: His copies are weaker than the original.
Destructive Capacity: At least Country level+ (capable of damaging Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon) | universal+ | possibly universal
Range: Several hundred meters, possibly up to a kilometer
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+, likely sub relativistic reactions (was Tagging Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon)
Durability: Country level+ (tanked attacks from both Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon) | universal+ | possibly universal (took hits from Takuto's Omegamon and Shouma's Omegamon Alter-B)
Lifting Strength: Class M+ via powerscaling
Striking Strength: Class ZJ+ (torn apart Wargreymon's armor)
Stamina: Superhuman, exact level unknown
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Has knowledge of the Real World and Digital World, is capable of absorbing the data from the network, gaining vast knowledge, effortlessly showcased his superior abilities over WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, individually and once again when they were together as Omegamon (as Armageddemon).
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Catastrophe Cannon: Fires a blast of energy or a missile from the green sphere in its chest.

Paradise Lost: Unleashes a giant explosion of energy from its chest.
System Fail: Encases himself with a gigantic green sphere, blasting all nearby opponents away and causing them to devolve.
Virus Download: Holds its hands back, charging them, and then thrusts forward, extending its arms and shooting its hands forward.
Page Fault: Rolls over and strikes enemies with the blades on its back.
Line Surge: Spreads both of its arms outwards and spins in place.
Cable Crusher: Stretches its arms and launches its huge clawed hands to slash or grab the enemy.
Tentacle Bug: Extends its arms to claw the target.
Multiply: Makes a copy of itself.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Movie Hulk (Marvel Movies) - Hulk Profile

Notable OBD Losses:

Other:  Adventure | Brave Tamer | Next Order