Dorbickmon OBD
The first Death General.

Name: Dorbickmon, The Fire-fury
Origin: Digimon Xros Wars
Gender: Male
Classification: Dragon Man Digimon
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, pyrokinesis, fire breathing, terrakinesis, can Digixros with other Digimon with his Darkness Loader, flight (only when in Darkness Mode), can make a sword out of his flames
Weaknesses: Overconfident, underestimates his opponents
Destructive Capacity: Mountain range level+ via powerscaling
Range: A few hundred meters, limitless with his terrakinesis so long as he's in Dragon Land
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (much faster than Shoutmon X5B)
Durability: Mountain range level+
Strength: 100+ tons (easily overpowered DeckerGreymon and Shoutmon X5B)
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Darkness Loader
Intelligence: Master of combat, a skilled strategist, saw through Taiki's disguise as "Ohanamon".
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Tyrant Collbrande: Attacks with a flaming sword formed from the anger it works up in battle, whose power depends on the strength of its fury.

- Burning the Dragon: Stabs a dragon's vein within the land, modifying the terrain and inflicting damage on groups of enemies.

- Dragon Breath-tonic Fire: Exhales a burst of extremely high-temperature breath that instantly reduces anything it touches to ashes.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
