The Ghost of Zeon

Name: Haman Karn, "The Ghost of Zeon"
Origin: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Newtype, Leader of Neo Zeon, Mobile Suit Pilot
Age: 20-21 (UC 87-89)
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman reactions, clairvoyance, empathy, precognition, limited telepathy, can sense the presence of other newtypes, can emit psychic pressure to overwhelm or confuse other newtypes, ace mobile suit pilot | Super speed, strength, durability, flight, various sensors, AMBAC system (allows for thruster-less maneuvering in the zero-G environment of space), the reactor releases electronics and radar jamming Minovsky Particles on a constant basis, beam weaponry, remote weapons, Psycommu system (receives a Newtype pilot’s thoughtwaves and translates them into computer commands, allowing the pilot to direct remote weapons by thought alone), can create a psychic barrier with the Psycommu system
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Street level | Town level+ with beam launcher/saber (destroys and breaks apart mobile suit sized rock formations violently, can clash and match the Zeta’s beam rifle), town level with funnels
Range: Human melee range, dozens of meters with pistol, senses, and telepathy can range up to at least dozens of kilometers | Mecha melee range, dozens of kilometers with beam launcher and funnels
Speed: Average human, superhuman reactions | Massively hypersonic+ in space, relativistic reactions with Haman as its pilot (can dodge/outrun beams)
Durability: Average human level | Multi city block level+, city level with Haman as its pilot (psychic barrier that could defend against a shot from ZZ Gundam’s High Mega Cannon that was enhanced by newtype abilities of Judau, Kamille, and newtype ghosts Lalah, Puru, Four, Sarah, and Katz)
Lifting Strength: Average human | Class K
Striking Strength: Class H | Class GJ
Stamina: Average human
Standard Equipment: Pistol | AMX-004 Qubeley
Intelligence: Became defacto leader of Zeon at the age of 16 and is shown to be a capable leader during the Gryps Conflict, manipulating both the AEUG and Titans before her conquest for Earth. She's a highly skilled pilot, demonstrated the most when she intentionally throws the fight against the technologically superior ZZ Gundam and Judau despite being able to win.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Base | AMX-004 Qubeley