Dalshena Che Matelna OBD

Name: Dalshena Che Matelna, Shena
Origin: Chrome Shelled Regios
Gender: Female
Classification: Military Artist, Attacker of Zuellni's 17th Platoon
Age: 19-20
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina and senses, kei manipulation, able amp her stats using Kei, can shoot waves of destructive Kei for attack or to intercept projectiles
Weaknesses: Rather headstrong in battle.
Destructive Capacity: Building level+ (possibly higher)
Range: Extended melee range, several meters with Kei Bursts
Speed: Hypersonic+ via powerscaling (should be faster than Nina were back then)
Durability: Superhuman, able to counteract attacks comparable to her destructive power
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Class KJ+, Class MJ or maybe above when enhancing her attacks with External Kei
Stamina: Large (able to fight for hours)
Standard Equipment: Lance Dite (which hides a handle of a sword inside)
Intelligence: Skilled combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- External Kei - Hairoushou: In a form of violent explosion Dalshena releases a burst of external Kei behind her back to accelerate herself for a devastating headlong rush.

- Generic External Kei Blast: Dalshena is able to release a small omnidirectional blast of Kei from her whole body which can prevent her attacker from getting close.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
