Curren Huckebein Nanoha OBD
New Queen-Bitch of the Nanohaverse

Name: Curren Hückebein
Origin: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Eclipse Driver, Terrorist, Mage
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, agility, endurance, durability (with combat protective clothing), barriers, regeneration (low-mid), energy blasts, the passive ability to dispel magic, can summon plants, magic sealing, body transformation, melee specialist, skilled swordswoman, knowledgeable in various forms of combat, search and scanning, extra sensory perceptions, digital HUD-like vision
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Country level+ (easily beat both Vita and Erio, stabbed Hayate through her back)
Range: At least one hundred meters
Speed: Hypersonic+ (mach 61+), massively hypersonic+ (at least mach 1477+, can dance around Fate) reactions/combat speed
Durability: Country level+ (a hit from the Plasma Pile only damaged part of her clothing and shrugged off being stabbed by both of Fate's Riot Blades as well as Thunder Rage), barriers and regeneration make her hard to kill
Lifting Strength: At least Class M
Striking Strength: Class EJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Bible of Silver Cross, she occasionally wields sword-like weapons
Intelligence: Very devious and pretty smart
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Briar Rose: Summons gigantic plants covered in thorns with a built in magic seal to isolate and disable her opponents.

- Body Transformation: Curren transforms into a child form, presumably her true appearance. She calls this going all out.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


Little Miss Curren
Little Miss Curren