Chantez Arpinion OBD
Chantez Arpinion

Name: Chantez Arpinion
Origin: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Mage
Age: 14 when she was introduced in ViVid, currently 16
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, agility, endurance, durability (with barrier jacket), energy blasts (created with magic energy), magic barriers (resistance to physical, magical, time-space, dimensional, and environmental factors), auto shields, invisibility, can create clones, skilled in twin-sword arts, passive telepathy, search and scanning, extra sensory perceptions
Weaknesses: She loses her durability without her barrier jacket
Destructive Capacity: Multi city block level (could break through Vivio's full defense at one point)
Range: Several dozen meters
Speed: Hypersonic+ (mach 61+)
Durability: Multi city block level, magic barriers make her hard to kill
Lifting Strength: Class K
Striking Strength: Class M+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Phantasma
Intelligence: Skilled combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Mirage Hide : A camouflaging (invisibility and stealth) spell.

- Bel Canto Kanone : An enormous bombardment-class mana sphere is generated and launched against the opponent downwards from the air.

- Ensemble: Is the clone magic and battle techniques used by Chantez Arpinion. Ensemble comes from musical ensemble, which means a group of people performing music together. In Chantez's case, she and her clones is playing Phantasma the "Playing Swords" as their instrument.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
