[No Image Available Cause He Erased His Own Existence]

Name: The Jonah, Billy Lathem
Origin: Greenverse - Nightside
Gender: Male
Classification: Enforcer for the Cavendishes
Age: Unknown; likely in his 20s
Powers and Abilities: Probability/causaility manipulation (possibly of the quantum variety)
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: Street level+ (doesn't focus on raw power in the slightest)
Range: At least several hundred meters; abilities operate cross time
Speed: Average human
Durability: Average human
Lifting Strength: Average human
Striking Strength: Average human
Stamina: Average human
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Very knowledgeable of the workings of destiny but chooses to work as a grunt for whatever reason
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

His ability to manipulate probabilities explained.

1) Why do bad things happen to good people? Because people like Billy Lathem profit from them. Essentially, he had the power to alter and control probabilities. The Jonah could see all the intertwining links of destiny, thepatterns in the chaos, and reach out to choose the one-in-a-million chance for everything to go horribly wrong, and make that single possibility the dominant one. He caused bad luck and delighted in disasters. He destroyed lives and brought down in a moment what it had taken others a lifetime to build.

Said abilities can easily extend to inflicting internal injuries and diseases.

2) "It shouldn’t be too difficult to find a blood clot in your heart, or a burst blood vessel in your brain. Or maybe I’ll start with your extremities and work inwards. There are so many nasty things I can do to you, John, so many bad possibilities.”

3) How shall I kill you, John? Let me count the ways … The cancers that lie in wait, needing only a nudge to swell and prosper. The arthritis that lurks in every joint, the bacteria and viruses to boil in your blood… Perhaps all of them at once might be amusing. You might even explode like Dead Boy! Or maybe … I’ll find that one-in-a-million chance where you were born horribly deformed and helpless..."

Used his abilities to casually reduce the Harrowing (beings even John Taylor has had trouble dealing with) to puddles.

4) And then all the Harrowing stopped and turned their featureless faces, as though listening to something only they could hear. They started to shake and shudder, and then one by one they fell apart into rot and slime, slumping shapelessly to the floor. One moment a dozen menacing figures were closing in on us, and the next there was nothing but thick puddles of reeking ooze, spreading slowly.

Kept Rossignal in a perpetual near death state when she was poisoned.

5) “She isn’t entirely dead,” said the woman. “The poison we gave her took her to the very edge of death, then the Jonah found and imposed the one chance in a million that held her there, at death’s very door, in an extended Near-Death Experience. And when she came back from the edge, and we revived her..."

“But the best bit,” said the Jonah, beaming happily, “the best bit is that only my will holds her where she is, on the very edge of death. My magic, my power. Her life is irrevocably linked to mine now. If you attack me, John, if you kill me, she goes all the way into the dark. Forever and ever. You don’t dare threaten me.”

Can select the one chance in a million in which a person was never born, retroactively erasing them from existence.

6) Air rushed in to fill the space his body had occupied, as Billy turned his power on himself and selected the one chance where he was never born.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
