All hail the Emperor of Destruction

Name: Master Galvatron
Origin: Transformers Cybertron
Gender: Male
Classification: Decepticon Leader and Emperor of Destruction
Age: Exact age unknown, at least millions of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, enhanced durability, flight, can fire blasts of lightning and a darker variant of it, can transform into a jet and a batmobile-looking car, immense willpower (can resist Unicron's essence attempting to control him in Superlink/Energon [remember, his essence can mindfuck a planetary population] and by the time of Galaxy Force/Cybertron, he freely wields Unicron's power without the Dark God intruding even once), can channel Unicron’s power to enhance himself, can create an energy sword, teleportation and dimensional travel via his fire portals, able to rip apart spacetime barehanded, can destroy dimensional portals, mid-low level regeneration, can resurrect himself as an intangible ghost, can reformat existing beings and make new ones out of others’ dark thoughts in his ghost form, and is able to absorb energy in his ghostly incarnation in order to restore himself to corporeal form
Weaknesses: None
Destructive Capacity: Likely star system level, he can hurt characters as durable as himself. He also has Unicron's essence within him, which caused a new sun to be born. This same essence also caused that sun to collapse into the black hole mentioned in the durability section below. Master Galvatron has two more power-ups added on to that one.
Range: At least several hundred thousand kilometers with his energy blasts
Speed: FTL (faster than Wing Saber, who covered light-years in a few days to get to Earth since his starting point was far outside the Earth's solar system)
Durability: Star system level+, his much weaker Master Megatron (or, depending on when you think he got the Unicron Armor, Superlink Galvatron) form survived inside a sun that collapsed into a black hole, the formation of which destroyed six planets
Lifting Strength: Class Y+, his much weaker Superlink form can tow Cybertron
Striking Strength: Class XTJ
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: Death Claw, Death Machine Gun, and Death Cannon
Intelligence: Nothing noticeable since he mostly relies on his personal power but he does know when to lay low and gain allies.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Death Claw: Takes the spikes on his wing and uses it as a melee weapon.

Death Machine Gun: Takes a machine gun stored in his back and blasts his enemies with it.

Death Cannon: Converts the wings on his back into a weapon which fires a sizable blast of dark energy.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Gilgamesh (Fate Stay Night) - Gilgamesh Profile

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: His spirit is apparently persistent in causing mayhem as seen in the ending credits, where he battles Vector Prime in some other dimension.

Shit I said that details why he's as durable as I say he is.