Protector of Javian

Name: Jiva
Origin: Dofus
Gender: Female
Classification: Proctector of the Month of Javian
Age: Thousands of years old (as old as Xelor's Clock)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed & durability, shapeshiftingice manipulation, weather manipulation, immortality (type 1), flight,telepathy (capable of detect anyone trying to enter or exist her realm), teleportation
Weaknesses: None Notable
Destructive Capacity: Country level+ (the only Proctector strong enough to stand up to Djaul and defeats him at the end of every year, capable of controlling the weather on a planetary level)
Range: Several dozen kilometres
Speed: Sub-relatavistic+
Durability: Country level+
Lifting Strength: At least class 10
Striking Strength: 
Class ZJ
Stamina: Hugely superhuman
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Above average

Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 
