The Avengers should have locked Thanos in a hallway with him


Name: Matthew Michael Murdock, Matt, Daredevil, The Devil of Hell's Kitchen
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Gender: Male
Classification: Human superhero, vigilante, lawyer
Age: Around 30
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability and stamina. Enhanced senses (hearing, smell, taste, touch and balance), healing (low), master martial artist, master acrobat, expert marksman, renowned lawyer
Weaknesses: His blindness (although this is obviously compensated by his enhanced senses), powerful waves of concussive force or severe concussions can temporarily disrupt his senses. Requires to meditate in order to heal himself.
Destructive Capacity: At least wall level+ (defeated Bakuto, who could break concrete blocksbroke through bulletproof glass. Kicked Bullseye, who could throw a billy club with enough force to pierce father Lantom's chest and cartridges with enough force to pierce through two albanian's necks through several walls and bashed his head against a pillar, cracking it. Beat Kingpin, who could throw him through a wall and crack a stone pillar with a punch) likely small building level+ (could defeat Murakami and Black Sky Elektra)
Range: Human melee range, extended melee range with his billy clubs, a few dozen meters by throwing them, multi city block level with his enhanced hearing
Speed: Subsonic with supersonic attack speed/reactions (dodged a spray of a SWAT's automatic rifle, deflected various arrows from some Hand ninjas. Faster than Luke Cage, who could intercept an RPG missile and keep up with a bullet-timer like Bushmaster), possibly higher (kept up with Black Sky Elektra, who could deflect a bullet with her sword)
Durability: At least wall level+ (took a two-story fall during his fight with a Fisk henchmen and Vladimir, a three-story fall against the Punisher and got back up just fine, his helmet took a point-blank shot from a handgun, only geting a crack on it, Bullseye could no-sell a shot to the chest while wearing the Daredevil suit, survived a massive fall caused by a building's explosion), likely small building level+ (took hits from Murakami and Black Sky Elektra)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (could send Kingpin, who weights more than 95 kg, flying several meters with a kick, can easily lift and throw around people roughly as heavy as himself)
Striking Strength: Class KJ+, likely Class MJ
Stamina: Superhuman (could beat down nine thugs while having two to three broken ribs, a possible concussion, a stab wound and a collapsed lung)
Standard Equipment: A white cane as Matt Murdock. Initially a black vigilante suit with pads, wooden sticks and sometimes Muay Thai ropes. An armored suit and a billy club later.
Intelligence: A remarkable and perssuasive lawyer, having graduated summa cum laude from Columbia University. Expert martial artist, whose fighting style incorporates at least Boxing, Silat, Kali, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Wushu, Pro-Wrestling, Judo, Kung Fu, Aikido, Capoeira, Escrima and Ninjutsu.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

- Enhanced Senses: Despite being blinded as a child, his four remaining senses were enhanced to superhuman levels, resulting in them becoming radar-like, which allows him to evaluate his surroundings in what he describes as an "Impressionistic painting" of the world around him, which according to him, looks like "a world on fire":

- Enhanced Hearing: His hearing is sharper than bat's and is extremely acute, he can clearly hear conversations, heartbeats and even breaths from several meters. He was able to hear and memorize the sound of James Wesley's watch ticking, and hear Claire's bones shifting as she breated. Matt can focus on what he hears; in a crowded courtroom with the judge speaking, Matt heard a juror's heartbeat accelerate when Wesley entered the room. Hearing the canges in people's heartbeats allows Matt to predict how they feel and what actions they'll take, such as attack or run. He was able to hear the sound of the Hand's ninjas swords cutting through the air. His hearing also makes him an adept thief, as he was able to bypass Bullseye's combination safe.

- Echolocation: Matt is able to detect objects in his enviroment by sensing echoes from them, by actively creating and listening for sounds, like tapping his cane, stomping of his enemies' feet, raindrops, tumbling of a safe's locks, rattling chains or even a heartbeat. He then interprets the sound waves reflected, accurately identifying their location and size.

- Lie Detection: He can tell whether people are lying or not, based on the rate of their heartbeats.

- Enhanced Smell: His incredible olfactory senses even sharper than a dog's allow him to detect the scent of stale cigarettes and cheap cologne three floors above him and through several walls. When he was a boy, his sense was already so acute, he could smell that and old man sitting at a bench across from him had cancer. By smelling an old cigarette, Matt could tell that whoever smoked it previously had rotten teeth. He was even able to smell that Foggy had onions in his lunch two days ago.

- Enhanced Taste: Matt was able to tell that Claire had ripped open some of the stitches on her back, due to tasting copper in the air from the blood of her open wound. Stick taught him how to train this sense, which allowed him to pick out every individual ingredient from the ice cream he was eating, including that he milk used came from three different farms, and that the man who served him used a certain type of soil in his garden.

- Enhanced Touch: He can dodge attacks by feeling them cut through the air, creating ripples of currents only detectable by him. He can locate enemies through walls and from different floors by feeling the vibrations they make from moving, such as their footsteps.

- Enhanced Thermoreception: Matt can sense changes in heat in the enviroment. He could feel the heat generated from the blood spilling from the gunshot wound on Vladimir; to one-half of a degree, he was able to distinguish the difference in temperature.

- Electroception: Matt is able to detect electric fields, similar to a shark. He was able to find a hidden room by feeling an electrical current coming from behind the wall.

- Healing: By using meditating techniques Stick taught him, Matt is capable of accelerating the healing process of his wounds.

Notable OBD Victories:

Rama (The Raid) - Rama Profile (This was a gauntlet match against various characters from the series. He stopped at Daredevil)

Batman (Dark Knight Trilogy) - Batman Profile

Frank Martin (The Transporter) - Frank Martin Profile

Notable OBD Losses: 

Deathstroke (DCTV) - Deathstroke Profile

Green Arrow (DCTV) - Green Arrow Profile

Kamen Rider Sigma (Kamen Rider) - Kamen Rider Sigma Profile (he was fighting alongside Iron Fist)

Predator (Predator) - Predator Profile

Morpheus and Trinity (Matrix) - Morpheus Profile, Trinity Profile (he was fighting alongside Black Widow) (outdated)

Sunny (Into the Badlands) - Sunny Profile (outdated)

Other: Not to be confused with his Earth 616 counterpart.