Superhero Pam Grier
Woman with a Thousand Names


Name: Monica Rambeau, Captain Marvel, Photon, Pulsar, Spectrum, Daystar, Spectre, The Sun Goddess, The Lady of Light
Origin: Marvel Comics
Gender: Female
Classification: Extradimensional-Powered Mutate, Avenger
Age: At least 30
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strengthspeed, agility & durability, flight, master combatant, electromagnetism manipulation (can manipulate any form of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum), light manipulation, energy manipulation, absorption, projection & reflection, shapeshifting (via using light to modify her appearance), intangibility & invisibilityteleportation (can send herself and the other Avengers up into the Overspace/Dimension of Manifestations that exists above and apart from the greater multiverse), duplication (can change into thousands of lasers at once), sensing (of light, photons, molecules, radiowaves and particles), long-range communication via signal manipulation, can transform into light and radiowaves, illusion creation (can create illusions from light), fusion (did so with She-Hulk and Blue Marvel), can rupture electricity and internal organs upon entering into a body or machine, cosmic senses, can heal and regain her strength & stamina through absorbing photons, impervious to most physical attacks while in energy form, hacking (even into cosmically powered machinery such as the Infinites), mind manipulation (could give Blue Marvel a mental boost to hold the Shaper of Worlds in an energy sphere; can mess with the brain's synapses if she enters into it), heat manipulation, molecule manipulation, immune to time stops
Weaknesses: Extended uses of her energy state can be physically taxing on her; water can cause her electrical form to disperse and weaken her which gives her hydrophobia (later rectified as she engaged in an underwater mission with Eros); prone to having her name stolen by Genis-Vell
Destructive Capacity: Universe level+ (acted as a wall between two universes that threatened to collide into each other while absorbing the black hole that was causing it in her first appearance; took attacks from Zeus and kept approaching him; caused Thanos' ship, The Sanctuary, to overload its defenses; was able to match and counter a resurrected and brainwashed Mar-Vell and Drax despite her power getting absorbed by them; while nearly depleted of energy, she destroyed the last of the Life-Bombs which threatened to destroy 1/5th of the universe; easily overpowered Legacy Genis-Vell while brainwashed and resisting it; intimidated Photon Genis into not fighting with her; pushed Galactus into his chamber with the help of Blue Marvel and Binary; absorbed the energies of Blue Marvel and Binary to funnel into Galactus' chamber to help change him into the Lifebringer; absorbed a chunk of The Stranger's power)
Range: At least universal+ (can become one with the radiowaves across the universe), multiversal via Cosmic Awareness (could sense Galactus outside of all existence conversing with the Molecule Man; sensed that Eternity was in chains; able to sense what was going on between Eternity and the Infinites in the Dimension of Manifestations and send herself and the Avengers into the Overspace)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (reacted to thousands of lasers; flew across the solar system while hauling Genis-Vell; able to keep up with Heralds)
Durability: Universe level+ (endured the pressure of two universes colliding and absorbed the energy of the black hole that was forcing them to converge; endured the overloading of The Sanctuary; took attacks from Zeus, Mar-Vell, Drax and Genis-Vell)
Lifting Strength: Universe Class (held together two universes from colliding into each other)
Striking Strength: Universe Class
Stamina: Extremely high, can raise it higher via photonic and energy absorption
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Extremely high as she has led the Avengers and other teams on many occasions. Highly knowledgeable of the multiverse and the cosmic beings that control and embody it. Navigated her way out of the Darkforce Dimension, something few are capable of.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses:


Note: This profile covers Monica at the height of her powers, She has been depowered and re-powered a few times. 



Hawt Monica
Monica with a much needed makeover


Genis takin' names
Genis stealing her name :skully