Elaine Heyworth

Origin: Koudelka/Shadow Hearts

Gender: Female

Classification: Feral Mutated Undead, late heiress to the Heyworth family

Age: Unknown

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, durability, and endurance, enhanced senses, immortality (type 1, 2, 6, and 7), high levels of flexibility, can climb on walls and ceilings, can breath poison and acid (capable of melting Koudelka, Edward and James down to a skeleton in the Bad Ending), can inflict poison with her scratches/physical attacks, life drain, Elaine’s body will go through a metamorphosis where she will gain further increase in physical capabilities and transform into some sort of insect with additional limbs, gains the power of flight, and some sort of reactive evolution (she seems to grow even stronger, and more resistant to physical and magical attacks), can breath and produce clouds that can generate lightning strikes, healing (low-mid via powerscaling), fire manipulation, energy manipulation (looks the same color as Malice), can produce needles from her body, highly resistant to magic, immunity/absorption/resistance to elemental attacks (of the fire, wind, earth, water, and light variety)

Weaknesses: Relies on animal instinct.

Destructive Capacity: Planet level, likely much higher (she canonically defeated Koudelka, Edward, and James. Her very presence is a blight to the Earth itself.)

Range: Thousand of kilometers

Speed: Likely MFTL (should be comparable to the majority of the SH1 roster; characters that have battled a being that was above 200m c, you even have lesser enemies that can travel and attack at lightspeed)

Durability: Planet level, likely much higher (Koudelka and her party couldn’t defeat Elaine in her final metamorphosis state, they had to resort to James sacrificing himself to call upon some divine force [most likely God] to shoot a beam of light from the heavens to kill her)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman

Striking Strength: Class XJ

Stamina: Limitless

Standard Equipment: Nothing notable

Intelligence: Possesses no intelligence, is feral and only works on animal instinct

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Elaine in her final metamorphosis.